AR&A in Temporal & Spatial Reasoning SARA 2000 Tony Cohn (University of Leeds) chair Claudio Bettini (Università degli Studi di Milano) Ben Kuipers (University.

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1 AR&A in Temporal & Spatial Reasoning SARA 2000 Tony Cohn (University of Leeds) chair Claudio Bettini (Università degli Studi di Milano) Ben Kuipers (University of Texas at Austin) Ivan Ordonez (Ohio State University)

2 AR&A in Temporal and Spatial Reasoning. the role of AR&A in S&T reasoning the types of abstraction and approximations that are useful for S&T reasoning the differences in the use of abstraction and approximation in S&T reasoning wish list for work on AR&A in S&T...


4 Abstraction in Spatial Reasoning Why? Efficiency –eg: quad trees for very large spatial DBs Data integration –DBs may contain data at different scales HCI: –eg: Cartographic generalisation –eg: high level queries (incl. NL) Spatial planning (eg navigation) High level vision...

5 Kinds of spatial abstraction Regions rather than points (aggregation) granularity shifts (eg pixel size) dimension changing qualitative relations –relevant abstractions...

6 Qualitative Spatial Representations DC EC PO TPP NTPP EQ TPPi NTPPi l1l1 l2l2 l3l3 +-- ++- +++ -++ --+ --- +-+

7 Changing scale: Baarle-Nassau/ Baarle-Hertog (thanks to Barry Smith for the example)

8 Approximation Qualitative relations –(eg sector orientations) Regions, and regions with indeterminate boundaries –the “egg/yolk” calculus –X is crisper than Y...


10 Conceptal neighbourhoods & approximation Conceptual neighbourhoods give “next” relation Uncertainty of relation gives connected sub-graph –e.g. composition table entries


12 Finer grained representations can be more efficient Constraint satisfaction in CYCORD is NP complete –24 relation calculus is polynomial on base relations Similarly: tractable subsets of RCC8, RCC5,.. –Cf Buerkert & Nebel’s analysis of Allen

13 Reformulation RCC: 1st order theory  Zero order formulation 9-intersection+DEM (81+ relations)  CMB (5 polymorphic relations) spatial analogies: reformulating other domains as a spatial problem –eg: view database class integration as a spatial problem using egg/yolk theory global orientation  local orientation Vector  raster

14 Intuitionistic Encoding of RCC8: (Bennett 94) Motivated by problem of generating composition tables Zero order logic –“Propositional letters” denote (open) regions –logical connectives denote spatial operations e.g.  is sum e.g.  is P Spatial logic rather than logical theory of space

15 Represent RCC relation by two sets of constraints: “model constraints”“entailment constraints” DC (x,y)~x  y ~x  y EC (x,y) ~(x  y) ~x  y, ~x  y PO (x,y)--- ~x  y, ~x  y, y  x, ~x  y TPP (x,y)x  y ~x  y, ~x  y, y  x NTPP (x,y) ~x  y ~x  y, y  x EQ (x,y) x  y ~x  y Decidable, tractable representation

16 9-intersection+DEM DEM: when entry is ‘¬’, replace with dimension of intersection: 0,1,2 81+ region-region relations

17  CMB (5 polymorphic relations) disjoint: x  y =  touch (a/a, l/l, l/a, p/a, p/l): x  y  b(x)  b(y) in: x  y  y overlap (a/a, l/l): dim(x)=dim(y)=dim(x  y)  x  y  y  x  y  x cross (l/l, l/a): dim(int(x))  int(y))=max(int(x)),int(y))  x  y  y  x  y  x EG: touch(L,A)  cross(L,b(A))   disjoint(f(L),A)  disjoint(t(L),A) L

18 Research issues Moving between abstraction levels –Qualitative/quantitative integration Choosing abstraction level Expressiveness/efficiency tradeoff Cognitive Evaluation Ambiguity...

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