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03/20/09 Green Data Center Program (short version:-) Alan Crosswell.

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Presentation on theme: "03/20/09 Green Data Center Program (short version:-) Alan Crosswell."— Presentation transcript:

1 03/20/09 Green Data Center Program (short version:-) Alan Crosswell

2 03/20/09 Agenda The CUIT Data Center Greening the Data Center Future Goals Our NYSERDA Advanced Concepts Datacenter proposal Next Steps

3 03/20/09 CUIT Data Center Old, but has good bones. Electrical distribution is inefficient. Cooling systems are old & our practices are inefficient. Older, inefficient servers. One of many server rooms.

4 CUIT Data Center 03/20/09

5 LBNL Average PUE for 12 Data Centers 03/20/09 Power Use Efficiency (PUE) =2.17

6 Making the server slice bigger, the pie smaller and green. Reduce the PUE ratio by improving electrical & mechanical efficiency. –Google claims a PUE of 1.2claims Consolidate data centers (server rooms) –Claimed more efficient when larger (prove it!) –Free up valuable space for wet labs, offices, classrooms. Reduce the overall IT load through –Server efficiency (newer, more efficient hardware) –Server consolidation & sharing Virtualization Shared research clusters Move servers to a zero-carbon data center 03/20/09

7 Data center green power best practices Locate data center near a renewable source –Hydroelectric power in Canada –Wind power – but most wind farms lack transmission capacity. 40% of power is lost in transmission. So bring the servers to the power. Leverages our international high speed data networks Use “free cooling” (outside air) –Stanford proposal will free cool almost always Implement “follow the Sun” data centers –Move the compute load to wherever the greenest power is currently available. 03/20/09

8 Barriers to implementing best practices Capital costs Short-term and parochial thinking Saving electricity is not well incented as nobody is billed for their electrical use. Distance –Some technical issues as well as: –Reliability concerns –Server hugging –Staffing needs 03/20/09

9 Future State Goals – Next 5 years Begin phased upgrades of the Data Center to Improve power and space efficiency. Overall cost ~ $20M. Consolidate and replace pizza box servers with blades (& virtualization). Consolidate and simplify storage systems. Accommodate growing demand for HPC research clusters –Share clusters among researchers to be more efficient Accommodate server needs of new Interdisciplinary Science Building. Develop internal cloud services. Explore external cloud services. –Stanford giving Amazon EC2 credits for faculty startup

10 03/20/09 Future State Goals – Next 5-10 years Build a new data center of 10,000-15,000 sf –Perhaps cooperatively with others –Not necessarily in NYC –Possibly in Manhattanville Consolidate many small server rooms. Significant use of green-energy cloud computing resources. From

11 03/20/09 Our NYSERDA Grant New York State Energy Research & Development Authority Program Opportunity Notice 1206 ~$1.2M ($447K from NYSERDA awarded pending contract)‏ Improve space & power efficiency of primarily administrative servers. (N.B. Cyrus savings) Contribute to Columbia's PlaNYC carbon footprint reduction goal. Make room for shared research computing in the existing data center. Measure and test vendor claims of energy efficiency improvements. Communicate results.

12 Next Steps Beyond the NYSERDA Grant Develop a “shovel ready” plan to continue moving forward. –Includes Server & Storage replacement strategy Identify funding needs and opportunities –ISB Servers –Manhattanville Phase 1 Servers –Shared research cluster expansion –Possible grants: NIH Extramural Research Facilities and Improvement Program ($1-10M) DoE Information and Communication Facility Energy Efficiency (to be announced this month) Additional forthcoming stimulus (ARRA) grants 03/20/09

13 Thanks… CU Facilities: Steve Poller, Frank Mastromauro, Dave Carlson, Dominick Chirico, Clem Olivio, Frank Martin, Wil Elmes, Matt Early, Dave Forbes, Geoff Wiener, Joe Ienuso, Joe Mannino, Fran Fitzgerald, Frances Huppert, David Greenberg Office of the EVP for Research: Greg Culler, Victoria Hamilton, David Hirsh, Marie Tracy, Patty Valencia-Ferguson, Mario Reyes Bruns-Pak, Dell, HP, IBM NYSERNet: Bob Bloom, Tim Lance NYSERDA: Joe Borowiec CUIT/SAS: Halayn Hescock, Rich Hall, Victor Warren, Ryan Abrecea, Tony Cirillo, all of Systems & Network Engineering, Candy Fleming, Donna Sadlon, Jeff Scott, John Milnes External visiting committee: Marilyn McMillan (NYU), Vace Kundakci (CCNY), Lauri Kerr (NYC), Tim Lance (NYSERNet), Internal advisory group: Wil Elmes, Art Langer, Nilda Mesa, Scott Norum, Len Peters Research faculty user group: Liam Paninski, Lei Cong, Greg Bryan, Kathryn Johnston, Mary Putman This work is supported in part by the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority. 03/20/09

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