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Integrated Pest Management By Brad Lubbers Unit 2167.

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Presentation on theme: "Integrated Pest Management By Brad Lubbers Unit 2167."— Presentation transcript:

1 Integrated Pest Management By Brad Lubbers Unit 2167

2 What is Integrated Pest Management? A holistic approach to managing weeds, diseases, pests and cultural problems in an agricultural production system.

3 Three components Monitoring Scouting Implementation

4 Traditional Methods Broad Spectrum chemical application Bigger scale treatments Less attention to specific pests, weeds or diseases

5 IPM versus Traditional Methods Why change? –Specific and necessary use of chemicals –Better quality products –Cheaper cost of production

6 Economic Threshold Pests, weeds or diseases are allowed to exist up to Economic threshold. Traditional methods did not follow this idea.

7 Advantages Chemical treatments applied more specifically Beneficial insects are kept alive Use of biological controls

8 Disadvantages Higher knowledge base is required to implement Experts may need to be consulted Extra time is needed to monitor and scout

9 Chemical Label Common Name Chemical Name Signal Word Precaution Statement

10 Chemical Label cont. Classification Proper treatment if exposed Re-entry period


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