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Market Segmentation Duane Austin Chris Browning Sam Nichelini Duane Austin Chris Browning Sam Nichelini.

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Presentation on theme: "Market Segmentation Duane Austin Chris Browning Sam Nichelini Duane Austin Chris Browning Sam Nichelini."— Presentation transcript:

1 Market Segmentation Duane Austin Chris Browning Sam Nichelini Duane Austin Chris Browning Sam Nichelini

2 Value Of A Database Value of your database investment is to ensure it can answer core marketing questions. A segmentation system allows you to identify opportunities and take marketing action.segmentation

3 History Segmenting a customer database are through demographics, buying behaviors or geography. Jonathan Robbin helped create the first geodemographic segmentation system called Prizm (Potential Ratings in ZIP Markets), a marketing database that combined geographic and demographic characteristics of neighborhoods. This allowed marketers to calculate the kinds of neighborhoods likely to have a concentration of a company's best prospects.

4 What Has Changed Advances in computing technology. Marketing message to specific households. Life-stage migrations

5 The Three Screens of the Future Computer Cable Television Wireless

6 Looking To The Future Computer –“Personicx cookies” are the next step for boosting the effectiveness of online ad targeting –“spray and pray” –But with a cookie tied to a household segmentation system, both the advertiser and Web site publisher can dramatically improve targeting and site performance.

7 Facebook Demographics

8 Looking To The Future Continued Cable Television –Television Ads will be geared to household lifestyles –“life stage” concept is most meaningful when differentiating consumer behaviors, media preferences and lifestyles among next-door neighbors. It's as intuitive as it is practical –And, in the same way advertisers can pay for and measure reaching 2 million households in a given cluster online, they will be able to make similar targeted media buys via cable TV.

9 Looking To The Future Continued Wireless –“You are where you live” –Not only will we marketers need to know the predictive and descriptive characteristics of the mobile subscriber looking for information about our products, we'll have to provide meaningful information that's applicable to where they are at any given moment.

10 References / Questions?

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