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Weather Mining Hayato Akatsuka. Objective Cluster a region which shares similar climate.

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Presentation on theme: "Weather Mining Hayato Akatsuka. Objective Cluster a region which shares similar climate."— Presentation transcript:

1 Weather Mining Hayato Akatsuka

2 Objective Cluster a region which shares similar climate.

3 Input Each weather station in the United States is an input Each station contains more than 50 parameters –i.e. Latitude, Longitude, Elevation, Minimum Temperature, Maximum Temperature, so on…

4 Stations 6000 ~ 19000 Stations

5 Overview output(Image) Input (text file) Station1 2005/01/01 MaxTemp MinTemp Lantitude Longitude Elevation …. Station2 2005/01/01 MaxTemp MinTemp Lantitude Longitude Elevation …. Station3 2005/01/01 MaxTemp MinTemp Lantitude Longitude Elevation ….. Clustering

6 Distance Measure Euclidean Distance If you are interested in some particular parameters, adjust k accordingly

7 About Clustering Day 1(Hierachical Clustering) –This is an initialization Stage. –Pick a number of clusters –Then, Perform Hierarchical Clustering Day 2(Clustering variant) –For each input, cluster with the nearest centroid obtained from the previous day (Day 1 in this case). –Do not update centroid –Repeat until you cluster all the input for Day 2. –Recalculate centroid Day 3 –Repeat Day2 ….

8 Centroid Calculation For same cluster 2 nd Day: 3 rd Day: 4 th Day:

9 Quick Animation Day1Day2

10 Result For simplicity, just use only 1 parameter (TMIN). Number of Clusters = 5

11 Comparison Output Hardiness Zone

12 Conclusion Well… there are not much different between a map I received from January and one from December. Simply making a map out of annual data, instead of daily data, might be better.

13 Reference Hardiness Map up.cfm

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