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Presentation on theme: "1 ФИЗИКО-ХИМИЧЕСКИЕ ОСНОВЫ НАНОТЕХНОЛОГИИ Профессор Н.Г. Рамбиди."— Presentation transcript:


2 2 Наноструктурированные материалы

3 3 Thematic Priority 3 concentrates on: i) Nanotechnology, as a flagship of the next industrial revolution ii)Multi-functional knowledge-based Materials, as critical drivers of innovation iii)New Production processes and devices, as the key to sustainable development

4 4 Nanoscience and Nanotechnology  The nanoscale is not just another step towards miniaturization. It is a qualitatively new scale where materials properties depend on size and shape, as well as composition, and differ significantly from the same properties in the bulk.  “Nanoscience” seeks to understand these new properties.  “Nanotechnology” seeks to develop materials and structures that exhibit novel and significantly improved physical, chemical, and tribiological properties and functions due to their nanoscale size.  The goals of nanoscience and nanotechnology are:  to understand and predict the properties of materials at the nanoscale  to “manufacture” nanoscale components from the bottom up  to integrate nanoscale components into macroscopic scale objects and devices for real-world uses

5 5 “Nanotechnology will make us healthy and wealthy though not necessarily wise” (Ralph C. Merkle, 2001)

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9 9 Nanostructured Materials unifying features  synthetic materials with modulated structures in 0 to 3 dimensions...  size constraint (“confinement”) <100nm in at least one dimension...  significant volume fraction (>1%) of interfaces. nanoparticles multilayers overlayers nanophase

10 10 Классификация наноструктурированных материалов

11 11 Молекулярно-лучевая эпитаксия

12 12 Molecular Beam Epitaxy evaporation at very low deposition rates typically in ultra-high vacuum very well controlled grow films with good crystal structure expensive often use multiple sources to grow alloy films deposition rate is so low that substrate temperature does not need to be as high

13 13 Epitaxy growth of film with a crystallographic relationship between film and substrate homoepitaxy (autoepitaxy, isoepitaxy) = film and substrate are same material Heteroepitaxy film and substrate are different materials Structures 1.matched 2.strained (pseudomorphy) 3.relaxed

14 14 Structures  Matched: common in homoepitaxy, sometimes in heteroepitaxy

15 15 Structures (2)  strained (pseudomorphy): film grows with structure different from bulk –not stable at some thickness film will convert to bulk structure –example: Co is hcp can deposit as fcc up to one micron thick –example: strained layer superlattices –can make materials with unusual properties

16 16 Structures (3) relaxed –form edge dislocations –strained vs. relaxed depends on minimizing energy of system strain energy vs. dislocation energy

17 17 Некоторые примеры

18 18 Алмазные пленки

19 19 Алмазные пленки как эмиттеры

20 20 Температуроустойчивые покрытия

21 21 Углеродные материалы в энергетике

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30 30 Наноструктурированные полимеры

31 31 Nanostructured polymers Polymer-polymer interfaces, surface morphology and interactions between active layer and electrodes are extremely important for proper functioning of polymeric devices. By increasing the nanoscale order, current devices can be improved by orders of magnitude, without the need for new materials. -Main problem Current fabrication techniques offer very little control over internal structure (spincoating, drop casting, molding). Hence, conductivity is always limited by traps, non-conduciting patches etc. Furthermore, devices might not be homogeneous at the nanometer level, leading to larger spread in results, especially when critical device dimensions become nanoscale.

32 32 Синтетическое волокно

33 33 Синтетическое волокно

34 34 Синтетические каучуки

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37 37 Кевлар

38 38 Кевлар

39 39 Кевлар

40 40 Кевлар

41 41 Кевлар

42 42 Физическая вулканизация

43 43 Surface-induced phase-separation of blend Top of 100 nm thick spincoated film, imaged by fluorescence microscopy

44 44 Surface-initiated polymer brushes use as dielectric introduce electroactive groups in monomers These layers can evenly coat any topographical features on the surface

45 45 Brush surfaces smooth, seem defect free Chemical process with nanometre level control Forms robust films that should be less sensitive to surface nonuniformities than a SAM PMMA brushes as ultrathin dielectrics

46 46 ITO anode initiator SAM glass substrate PTPAA brushes electron- transporting component Al cathode Introduction of electroactive side group allows brush layer to act as active component of device Large interfacial area between components - good charge generation, no phase-separation possible Higher ordering – more direct pathways for charge transport to electrodes – thicker devices possible Polymer brushes for photovoltaics

47 47 Одежда для жизни

48 48 Одежда для жизни

49 49 Одежда для жизни

50 50 Одежда для жизни

51 51 Conclusions Surface chemistry provides a powerful tool to control morphology in thin polymer films. Control over phase-separation and growth of polymer brushes both lead to rational design of internal structure of polymeric devices. In future work, we will exploit nanoscale surface patterning and nanoimprint lithography to control phase separation at the nanometer level Polymer brushes can be decorated with a whole range of electroactive groups. Can we synthesize, rather than fabricate devices???

52 52 биоматериалы

53 53 Полимерные мембраны

54 54 Полимерные мембраны

55 55 Костные ткани

56 56 Костные ткани

57 57 Nanostructured Materials Actin-Myosin Complex

58 58 Tobacco Mosaic Virus (TMV) “Smart” Nanostructured Materials

59 59 Kinesin Crawling Along Microtubule Molecular Motors

60 60 катализ

61 61 Goals for Catalysts  Ultra-uniform  Ultra-uniform  Highly active  Highly active  Control reagent contact time  Control reagent contact time  Separate reactants and products  Separate reactants and products  Resist deactivation by sintering  Resist deactivation by sintering  Resist deactivation by fouling  Resist deactivation by fouling

62 62 Framework Topologies b a 3D Porous

63 63 Framework Topologies 2D Porous 10 15 Reactors 2D Planar Platelets or Sheets


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