Announcements More information on Midterm II next Tuesday. Writing Assignment II due next Thursday. Map Quiz Alert for November 15th or 17 th : Algeria,

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2 Announcements More information on Midterm II next Tuesday. Writing Assignment II due next Thursday. Map Quiz Alert for November 15th or 17 th : Algeria, Venezuela, Saudi Arabia, Kenya, Ethiopia

3 Today Mexico’s difficult path to modernity Institutions, interests, and identities in contemporary Mexico

4 Political history: Porfiriato (1876-1910) Revolution and PRI domination (1910- 2000) Competitive democracy (2000- )

5 Corporatism: when the central government organizes interests in society rather than the other way around.

6 Mexican political parties: PRI: Institutional Revolutionary Party PRD: Democratic Revolutionary Party PAN: National Action Party

7 Extremely minimum definition of democracy: There must be real competition among parties for power.

8 2000 Mexican presidential election Vicente Fox (PAN): 43% Francisco Labastida (PRI): 36% Cuautémoc Cárdenas (PRD): 17%

9 2006 Mexican presidential elections: Andrés Manuel López Obrador (PRD) Felipe Calderón (PAN) Roberto Madrazo (PRI) (probably) Others (Greens, Independents, Farmers)

10 January 1, 1994 NAFTA takes effect. Zapatistas take the stage.


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