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GE Response to President AS-2325-910/GE EWS 330 (Ethnicity and Family Life) AS-2327-910/GE EWS 301, (Ethnic Identity) AS 2331-910/GE EC 100 (Contemporary.

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Presentation on theme: "GE Response to President AS-2325-910/GE EWS 330 (Ethnicity and Family Life) AS-2327-910/GE EWS 301, (Ethnic Identity) AS 2331-910/GE EC 100 (Contemporary."— Presentation transcript:

1 GE Response to President AS-2325-910/GE EWS 330 (Ethnicity and Family Life) AS-2327-910/GE EWS 301, (Ethnic Identity) AS 2331-910/GE EC 100 (Contemporary Economic Issues

2 Regarding AS-2325-910/GE EWS 330 (Ethnicity and Family Life) and AS-2327-910/GE EWS 301, (Ethnic Identity): Both of these class are offered on a regular and ongoing basis by the Ethnic and Women’s Studies Department, and rather than hindering progress to degree, granting them GE designation – in a time when GE class sections are disappearing across campus – will actual allow many students to fulfill GE requirements in a timely fashion, enhancing many students’ ability to graduate.

3 Regarding AS 2331-910/GE EC 100 (Contemporary Economic Issues): If the Economics Department has the ability to offer this class on a regular basis, without putting other offerings at risk, then we believe this class would be a positive contribution to the GE curriculum. The Chair of the Economics Department has indicated that EC 100 would be taught ASAP if approved.

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