Introduction Dr. Ying Lu CSCE455/855 Distributed Operating Systems.

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1 Introduction Dr. Ying Lu CSCE455/855 Distributed Operating Systems

2 n Most of the lecture notes are from the textbook companion website companion website n Some of the lecture notes are based on slides created by Dr. Zahorjan at Univ. of Washington and Dr. Konev at Univ. of Liverpool n I have modified them and added new slides Giving credit where credit is due: CSCE455/855 Distributed Operating Systems

3 What is an Operating System? l The text: n “an intermediary between the user of a computer and the computer hardware” n “manages the computer hardware” n “an amazing aspect of operating systems is how varied they are in accomplishing these tasks … mainframe operating systems … personal computer operating systems … operating systems for handheld computers …”

4 What is an Operating System? l An operating system (OS) is: n a software layer to abstract away and manage details of hardware resources n a set of utilities to simplify application development Applications OS Hardware

5 Course Aims l Provide an understanding of the technical issues involved in the design of modern distributed (operating) systems l Appreciate the main principles underlying distributed systems: processes, communication, naming, synchronization, replication and consistency, fault tolerance, and security

6 What is a distributed system? & What are the design goals?



9 What is distribution transparency?

10 Transparency in a Distributed System

11 Openness in Distributed Systems l An open distributed system n Offers services according to standard rules that describe syntax and semantics of the services n Can interact with services from other open systems, irrespective of the underlying environment l Examples n In computer networks, standard rules govern the format, contents and meaning of messages sent and received n In distributed systems, services are specified through interface description language (IDL)

12 So, what is Scalability?

13 How to make a system scale?

14 Centralized Solutions: Obstacles for Achieving Size Scalability Examples of scalability limitations. ConceptExample Centralized servicesA single server for all users Centralized dataA single on-line telephone book Centralized algorithms Doing routing based on complete information

15 Characteristics of Decentralized Algorithms l No machine has complete information about the system state l Machines make decisions based only on local information l Failure of one machine does not ruin the algorithm l Three is no implicit assumption that a global clock exists









24 Internet/World Wide Web




28 Cloud Computing A cloud is an elastic execution environment of resources providing a metered service at multiple granularities. On-demand resource allocation: add and subtract processors, memory, storage.

29 Amazon Web Services l Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) n Rent computing resources by the hour n Basic unit of accounting = instance-hour n Additional costs for bandwidth l Simple Storage Service (S3) n Persistent storage n Charge by the GB/month n Additional costs for bandwidth l You’ll be using EC2 for a programming assignment!


31 What are ACID properties? What do A, C, I, and D represent?






37 1.4 Internet 37 Instructor’s Guide for Coulouris, Dollimore, Kindberg and Blair, Distributed Systems: Concepts and Design Edn. 5 © Pearson Education 2012

38 1.4.1 World-Wide-Web 38

39 1.4.2 Web Servers and Web Browsers Internet Browsers Web servers Protocols Activity.html File system of 39 Instructor’s Guide for Coulouris, Dollimore, Kindberg and Blair, Distributed Systems: Concepts and Design Edn. 5 © Pearson Education 2012

40 Announcement l To build our class roster n Send our TA Weiyue Xu (weiyue AT an email with subject “CSCE455/855 roster”, your photo (<2MB) and your name by this Saturday

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