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Auger Fluorescence Detector

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Presentation on theme: "Auger Fluorescence Detector"— Presentation transcript:

1 Auger Fluorescence Detector
Center for Cosmological Physics Enrico Fermi Institute Mini-Symposium on the Auger Observatory October 4, 2002 Auger Fluorescence Detector Giorgio Matthiae University of Roma II and INFN

2 The Auger Observatory 6 fluorescence telescopes / station
4 peripheral stations (eyes) 6 fluorescence telescopes / station Azimuthal angle of view 1800 Los Leones, Coihueco, Los Morados, Norte

3 Los Leones building

4 Coihueco FD building Installation of the mirror supports

5 UV Filter, corrector ring
The FD telescope Diaphragm Spherical mirror PMT camera UV Filter, corrector ring Shutter

6 Spherical focal surface
The Schmidt optics Spherical aberration Coma aberration C C F C spot Diaphragm Coma suppressed C Spherical focal surface

7 Design of the telescopes
Basic parameters defined from the requirement of accurate measurement of the shower profile Aperture: 1.5 m2 effective area Pixel size: 1.5 degrees Schmidt optics: - coma aberration eliminated, circle of least confusion (spot) independent of the incident direction - aperture defined by the diaphragm - mirror size larger than for classical design Spot size from spherical aberration: Δs ~ h (h/R) , Δθ = Δs/R ~ (h/R) 3 f/1 optics is a good compromise: R = 3.4 m Diaphragm diameter = 1.7 m Spot size : 0.5 degree (15 mm diameter) Pixel size: 1.5 degrees (45 mm ) (the spot size is 1/3 of the pixel size) Field of view: 30 degrees azimuth 28.6 degrees elevation

8 The mirror system Shape nearly square due to square field of view.
Size: 3.5 m x 3.5 m in order to avoid vignetting. Tesselation: 6 x 6 elements Aluminum Reflectivity: % (with Al2O3 coating) Polished Glass Reflectivity: % (with SiO2 coating) The mirror elements are mounted on a rigid support structure. Each element can be accurately aligned independently. Quality tests: - reflectivity at 370 nm - spot size obtained with point light source at the center of curvature

9 The FD telescope at Los Leones
PMT camera mirror Front end / read-out electronics HV + LV

10 The corrector ring The ring lenses (aspherical profile) correct the additional spherical aberration, keeping the spot size within the design value of mm diameter factor 2 gain in light collection

11 “Image” of a bright star
The diameter of the spot is 15 mm as calculated. Good check of the alignment of the mirror elements

12 Fluorescence spectrum of nitrogen

13 The UV filter The UV filter (M-UG6) matches the fluorescence spectrum of N2. Transmission: about 85 % at 350 nm, down to 20 % at 300 nm and 400 nm. Reduction of “dark sky background” by nearly a factor of 8.

14 The camera Pixel: PMT XP3062 with light collectors (45 mm wide)
Array of 440 hexagonal pixels placed on the spherical focal surface (22 rows x 20 columns) Pixel: PMT XP3062 with light collectors (45 mm wide)

15 The camera light collectors
Light collectors to recuperate light incident between the PMTs or at the very edge of the photocathode. Plastic elements covered by aluminized mylar. Test with light source simulating the spot created by the mirror shows recuperation of light.

16 The FD camera 440 PMTs 90 cm

17 PMT active divider Better gain stability
passive active Dark sky background

18 FD electronics/trigger
The PMT signal is sampled at a rate of 10 MHz by FADC with 12 bits. 100 ns First Level Trigger: Threshold regulated to keep single pixel rate at a given value, around 100 Hz. Second Level Trigger: pattern recognition algorithm 5 adjacent pixels Third Level Software Trigger: time – space correlation

19 FD data acquisition system
GPS time (hybrid operation) data

20 Relative calibration Xe lamp + optical fibers Equalization of PMT gain
Stability of gain

21 Absolute calibration Direct measurement of the response
of each channel to a given flux of incident photons. Wide light beam of uniform intensity provided by a UV LED (375 nm) and a flat cylinder (“drum”) with diffusing walls mounted outside the telescope aperture (ideally a “dome”). The number of photons is obtained from Si photodetector calibrated at NIST

22 Absolute calibration The drum mounted at Los Leones
Preliminary result gives about 5 photons / FADC count as average over all pixels of the camera Another method: remote laser of known intensity shot vertically in the atmosphere. Calculation of Rayleigh and aerosol scattering allows predicting flux of photons at the telescope. Similar result.

23 molecular/Rayleigh & aerosol/Mie
Atmospheric absorption LIDAR Backscattering Elastic bcks. molecular/Rayleigh & aerosol/Mie (Raman) DAQ Laser Mirror

24 Hybrid vs. Surface Detector
1019 eV eV Surface Hybrid Δθ 2.00 0.40 1.00 Δ core 80 m 30 m 40 m ΔE/E 18 % 4.2 % 7.0% 2.5 % ΔXmax 17 g/cm2 15 g/cm2

25 Fraction of stereo FD 2,3,4 2 3 4 18 19 20 Log Energy (eV) 100 80 60
40 3 20 4 Log Energy (eV)

26 Shower geometry reconstruction
First step: reconstruct the Shower – Detector Plane (SDP) Shower RP χi χ0 ψ Telescope RP χ0- χi ti (χi) = t tg c 2 3 parameter fit : t0, RP and χ0

27 First hybrid event FD on line display

28 FD - SD matching

29 Cosmic passing through PMTs
FD shower candidate Triggered pixels FADC traces 100 ns time bin Background event Cosmic passing through PMTs

30 crossing telescopes boundary
FD shower crossing telescopes boundary

31 Laser shots reconstruction
Laser shot axis ψ Laser degrees

32 Laser shots reconstruction
RP (Km) degrees Ψ (degrees)

33 Preliminary analysis Pixel calibration Atmospheric corrections
Fluorescence yield Estimate of Cherenkov light Reconstruction of the longitudinal profile Fit with Gaisser-Hillas form Estimate of the energy and of the depth of maximum Xmax Geometrical reconstruction from correlation of time vs. elevation angle χi

34 A “low-energy” shower fully contained in the atmosphere

35 Longitudinal profile and geometrical reconstruction
RP ~ 13 km Θ ~ 570 χ0 ~ 820

36 Time vs. angle correlation for a laser shot at RP = 25 km
Very useful to understand the analysis of the real cosmic ray events !

37 Outlook All components of the 24 FD telescopes are financed They are ready or ordered. Installation and commissioning of the telescopes in the two buildings (Leones and Coihueco) will be completed in This makes ½ of the overall FD. Some problem of funding for the construction of the remaining two buildings Morados and Norte but, good reasons for optimism !

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