Introduction Breadth How it Works The Next Steps.

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1 Introduction Breadth How it Works The Next Steps

2 Introduction Builds industry-university research partnerships Leverages R&D investments: Access to UC scientists, students (10 campuses, 3 National Labs, Agriculture Experiment Station) Research conducted in UC facilities State matching funds ($1:$1) Intellectual property rights (exclusive licenses) Rapid turnaround (100 days) State/federal tax credits Fuels discovery, Accelerates innovation Strengthens commercial competitiveness

3 Breadth Funded Areas Biotechnology Communications and networking Electronics manufacturing and new materials Information technology for life sciences Digital media Pilot Project Energy and Environment Health and Wellness Rapid Application of Nanotechnologies

4 Individual Research Grants One or a few investigators One or a few companies In-kind Limit: 30% Major Program Grants Multiple investigators Two or more campuses/Labs Strong educational program In-kind Limit: 40% Two funding mechanisms

5 Proposals of Interest Highly innovative, risk taking, likely to provide high impact and benefits New and novel opportunities that may be uniquely addressed by converging talent and resources across the Program’s five sector fields Opportunities to engage young faculty Unique educational opportunities for students

6 How it Works UC scientists and industry partners collaborate to identify basic research goals and develop a focused proposal. (October, January, May deadlines) Industry partners provide some money; UC and the State of California provide matching funds. Our rigorous peer review of proposals ensures high quality research plans and reasonable budgets. Grant request to inception is just 100 days. Research projects range from: 1-4 years $50K-$5 million (joint)

7 The Next Steps Visit for more information, or call 510.643.3229 to talk to someone in your field. Participate in events and meet UC researchers with relevant interests. Our website lists upcoming events Develop and submit grant proposals using our online system. (October, January, May deadlines) Suggest topics for future events and consider co- hosting events with us.

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