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Image Representation and Manipulation CS302 Data Structures Prof. George Bebis

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1 Image Representation and Manipulation CS302 Data Structures Prof. George Bebis

2 How are images represented? 8 bits/pixel 0 255

3 Color images

4 A Simple model of image formation The scene is illuminated by a single source. The scene reflects radiation towards the camera. The camera senses the light (i.e., through solid state cells for CCD cameras)

5 CCD (Charged-Coupled Device) cameras Tiny solid state cells convert light energy into electric charge which is then digitized (A/D conversion).

6 Image file formats Many image formats adhere to the following simple model: –Header –Data (line by line, no breaks between lines)

7 Image file formats (cont.) Header contains at least: –A signature or “magic number” (i.e., a short sequence of bytes for identifying the file format). –The width and height of the image.

8 Common image file formats PGM (Portable Gray Map) PNG (Portable Network Graphics) GIF (Graphic Interchange Format) - JPEG (Joint Photographic Experts Group) TIFF (Tagged Image File Format) FITS (Flexible Image Transport System)

9 PGM format A popular format for grayscale images (8 bits/pixel) Closely-related formats are: –PBM (Portable Bitmap), for binary images (1 bit/pixel) –PPM (Portable Pixelmap), for color images (24 bits/pixel) ASCII or binary (raw) storage ASCII Binary

10 Image Class class ImageType { public: ImageType(); // constructor ~ImageType(); // destructor void getImageInfo(int&, int&, int&); void setImageInfo(int, int, int); void setPixelVal(int, int, int); void getPixelVal(int, int, int&); // more functions... private: int N, M, Q; //N: # rows, M: # columns int **pixelValue; };

11 Input / Output Functions C++ routine to read the header of a PGM image: ReadImageHeader.cpp C++ routine to read a PGM image: ReadImage.cpp C++ routine to write a PGM image: WriteImage.cpp

12 An example - Threshold.cpp void readImageHeader(char[], int&, int&, int&, bool&); void readImage(char[], ImageType&); void writeImage(char[], ImageType&); void main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int i, j, M, N, Q; bool type; int val, thresh; // read image header readImageHeader(argv[1], N, M, Q, type); // allocate memory for the image array ImageType image(N, M, Q);

13 Threshold.cpp (cont’d) // read image readImage(argv[1], image); cout << "Enter threshold: "; cin >> thresh; // threshold image for(i=0; i<N; i++) for(j=0; j<M; j++) { image.getVal(i, j, val); if(val < thresh) image.setVal(i, j, 255); else image.setVal(i, j, 0); } // write image writeImage(argv[2], image); }

14 Reading/Writing PGM images (1D array of unsigned char) (2D array of int) Use “write” Use “read”

15 Writing a PGM image to a file void writeImage(char fname[], ImageType& image) int N, M, Q; unsigned char *charImage; ofstream ofp; image.getImageInfo(N, M, Q); charImage = (unsigned char *) new unsigned char [M*N]; // convert integer values to unsigned char int val; for(i=0; i<N; i++) for(j=0; j<M; j++) image.getVal(i, j, val); charImage[i*M+j]=(unsigned char)val; }

16 Writing a PGM image... (cont’d), ios::out | ios::binary); if (!ofp) { cout << "Can't open file: " << fname << endl; exit(1); } ofp << "P5" << endl; ofp << M << " " << N << endl; ofp << Q << endl; ofp.write( reinterpret_cast (charImage), (M*N)*sizeof(unsigned char)); if ( { cout << "Can't write image " << fname << endl; exit(0); } ofp.close(); }

17 Reading a PGM image from a file void readImage(char fname[], ImageType& image) { int i, j; int N, M, Q; unsigned char *charImage; char header [100], *ptr; ifstream ifp;, ios::in | ios::binary); if (!ifp) { cout << "Can't read image: " << fname << endl; exit(1); }

18 Reading a PGM image from a file // read header ifp.getline(header,100,'\n'); if ( (header[0]!=80) || // 'P' (header[1]!=53) ) { // '5' cout << "Image " << fname << " is not PGM" << endl; exit(1); } ifp.getline(header,100,'\n'); // skip comments while(header[0]=='#') ifp.getline(header,100,'\n'); M=strtol(header,&ptr,0); // read M, N N=atoi(ptr);

19 Reading a PGM image …. (cont’d) ifp.getline(header,100,'\n'); Q=strtol(header,&ptr,0); charImage = (unsigned char *) new unsigned char [M*N]; reinterpret_cast (charImage), (M*N)*sizeof(unsigned char)); if ( { cout << "Image " << fname << " has wrong size" << endl; exit(1); } ifp.close();

20 Reading a PGM image…(cont’d) // Convert unsigned characters to integers int val; for(i=0; i<N; i++) for(j=0; j<M; j++) { val = (int)charImage[i*M+j]; image.setVal(i, j, val); }

21 How do I “see” images on my computer? Unix/Linux: xv, gimp Windows: Photoshop Irfanview

22 How do I convert an image from one format to another? Use “Save As” option

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