WIN CAREER SOLUTIONS Founded In 1996 –Dr. Teresa Chasteen And Matt Caldwell 20 Statewide Initiatives New York West Virginia Alabama (2) Colorado Kentucky.

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2 WIN CAREER SOLUTIONS Founded In 1996 –Dr. Teresa Chasteen And Matt Caldwell 20 Statewide Initiatives New York West Virginia Alabama (2) Colorado Kentucky Missouri Illinois Michigan Mississippi Louisiana Tennessee (2)Indiana South CarolinaFlorida CRC Handbook –Dr. Barbara Bolin

3 WIN CAREER SOLUTIONS ACT WorkKeys® Level One Publisher –41 Levels of WorkKeys® Instruction –12 Levels of Pre-WorkKeys® Instruction Multimedia Delivery Options –Print-based, Server-based, Web-based Aligned With State Standards Aligned With GED & TABE Complete Spanish Version Speech – To - Text

4 Assessed Skill Levels Applied Mathematics Reading for Information Locating Information Applied Technology Teamwork Observation Listening Writing Business Writing Work Habits 8 2 2 12 12 12 12 12 12 2 2 1 1 3*4*5*6*7* 3*4*5*6*7* 3* 4*5*6* 3456 3456 1345 1345 12345 89 89 789 789 789 789 6789 6789 679 6789 6789 4*5*6* 345 345 Concept Mastery – Not Test Prep Over 1,200 hours of instruction

5  Interpersonal Interaction  Listening and Speaking  Cooperation and Respect  Self Management  Resource Management  Time Management  Quality Management  Problem Solving CAREER SKILLS AND WORK HABITS Employers have been describing a need for workers with “soft skills” such as a willingness to learn; punctuality and other basic work-related skills; the ability to work in a team; and an ability to think critically, analyze and solve problems since 1996. -- Good Faith Fund




9 Secondary Schools – 92.6% Success Rate Carmi-White County High School –Most Improved Illinois High School 2001 – 2004 Correctional Statewide Program – West Virginia –Higher Than State Average WorkKeys ® Scores –Higher Than State Average GED Scores –Higher Than State Average ACT Scores WIN SUCCESS HIGHLIGHTS

10 *2.8 Top 20% of State Scores West Virginia Writing Assessment Scores

11 West Virginia GED Scores

12 West Virginia ACT Scores




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