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CSE451 Section 3: Winter 2k7 Welcome to the world of concurrency! Kurtis Aaron Kimball

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1 CSE451 Section 3: Winter 2k7 Welcome to the world of concurrency! Kurtis Heimerl(kheimerl@cs) Aaron Kimball (ak@cs)

2 Threads & synchronization  A rite of passage All undergrad OS courses do  The most fun part Will feel like being a GURU  The craziest part Will be sick of synchronization   Start early & read thoroughly Grab a big picture first!  Discuss your design with Fellow students TAs

3 User-level threads: to do  First submission(Feb 2nd 10:00am) user-level thread manager common synchronization primitives simple synchronization problem  Second submission(Feb 14 10:00am) Preemption Multithreaded web server to test your thread package Analyze your design and report test results

4 Dependency Part 1: Thread manager Part 3: Synchronization problem Part 4: Preemption Part 5: Multithreaded web server Part 6: Report Part 2: Synchronization primitives You can work concurrently! pthread compatible

5 Simplethreads code structure include/sthread.h Other appsWeb server (web/sioux.c) test/*.c lib/sthread_user.h lib/sthread_user.c lib/sthread_ctx.c lib/sthread_ctx.h You write this sthread_switch_i386.h sthread_switch_powerpc.h lib/sthread_switch.S lib/sthread_queue.c lib/sthread_queue.h lib/sthread_preempt.c lib/sthread_preempt.h From Section 3 – Winter 2006

6 Sthread: thread interface  void sthread_init(void) Initialize thread system(or manager)  sthread_t sthread_create(sthread_start_func_t start_routine,void *arg,int joinable) Spawn a new thread The new thread runs start_routine with given arg  void sthread_exit(void *ret) Exit caller thread with ret as exit value ret is actually return value of start_routine  void sthread_yield(void) Yield execution of caller thread  void *sthread_join(sthread_t t) Join thread t which is created as joinable Return value is the return value of start_routine of t  Refer sthread.h

7 Synchronization  Problem: Controlling access from threads to limited resources.  Solutions?

8 Synchronization  Problem: Controlling access from threads to limited resources.  Solutions? Disable Interrupts (hardware) Atomic Instructions (hardware) Semaphores (OS) Condition Variables (OS) Monitors (PL)  We will be implementing the OS level primitives with the support of the hardware level primitives.

9 Disabling/Enabling Interrupts  Prevents context-switches during execution of CS  Sometimes necessary E.g. to prevent further interrupts during interrupt handling  Problems? Thread A: disable_interrupts() critical_section() enable_interrupts() Thread B: disable_interrupts() critical_section() enable_interrupts()

10 Hardware support  Atomic instructions: Test and set Swap Compare-exchange (x86) Load-linked store conditional (MIPS, Alpha, PowerPC)  Use these to implement higher-level primitives E.g. test-and-set on x86 (given to you for part 5) is written using compare-exchange.  compare_exchange(lock_t *x,int y,int z): if(*x == y) *x = z; return y; else return *x;  test_and_set(lock_t *l) { return compare_exchange(l,0,1); }

11 Sthread: mutex interface  sthread_mutex_t sthread_mutex_init() Create a new-unlocked mutex  void sthread_mutex_free(sthread_mutex_t lock) Release resources held by given mutex  void sthread_mutex_lock(sthread_mutex_t lock) Returned thread is guaranteed to acquire lock  void sthread_mutex_unlock(sthread_mutex_t lock) Release lock  Refer sthread.h

12 Sthread: condition variable  sthread_cond_t sthread_cond_init() Create a new condition variable  void sthread_cond_free(sthread_cond_t cond) Release resources held by given condition variable  void sthread_cond_signal(sthread_cond_t cond) Wake-up one waiting thread if there is any  void sthread_cond_broadcast(sthread_cond_t cond) Wake-up all waiting threads  void sthread_cond_wait(sthread_cond_t cond, sthread_mutex_t lock) Wait for given condition variable Returning thread is guaranteed to hold the lock  Refer sthread.h

13 Sample multithreaded program int main(int argc, char **argv) { int i; sthread_init(); if (sthread_create(thread_start, (void*)i) == NULL) { printf("sthread_create failed\n"); exit(1); } sthread_yield(); //yield main thread to our new thread printf("back in main\n"); return 0; } void *thread_start(void *arg) { printf("In thread_start, arg = %d\n", (int)arg); return 0; }  Output? (assume no preemption)

14 Managing contexts (given)  Thread context = thread stack + stack pointer  sthread_new_ctx(func_to_run) Gives a new thread context that can be switched to  sthread_free_ctx(some_old_ctx) Deletes the supplied context  sthread_switch(oldctx, newctx) Puts current context into oldctx Takes newctx and makes it current

15 How sthread_switch works Xsthread_switch: pusha movl %esp,(%eax) movl %edx,%esp popa ret Thread 1 TCB … SP Thread 2 TCB … SP ESP CPU Thread 1 runningThread 2 ready Want to switch to thread 2… Thread 2 registers Thread 1 regs From Section 3 – Winter 2006

16 Push old context Xsthread_switch: pusha movl %esp,(%eax) movl %edx,%esp popa ret Thread 1 TCB … SP Thread 2 TCB … SP ESP CPU Thread 1 runningThread 2 ready Thread 2 registers Thread 1 registers Thread 1 regs From Section 3 – Winter 2006

17 Save old stack pointer Xsthread_switch: pusha movl %esp,(%eax) movl %edx,%esp popa ret Thread 1 TCB … SP Thread 2 TCB … SP ESP CPU Thread 1 runningThread 2 ready Thread 2 registers Thread 1 registers Thread 1 regs From Section 3 – Winter 2006

18 Change stack pointers Xsthread_switch: pusha movl %esp,(%eax) movl %edx,%esp popa ret Thread 1 TCB … SP Thread 2 TCB … SP ESP CPU Thread 1 readyThread 2 running Thread 2 registers Thread 1 registers Thread 1 regs From Section 3 – Winter 2006

19 Pop off new context Xsthread_switch: pusha movl %esp,(%eax) movl %edx,%esp popa ret Thread 1 TCB … SP Thread 2 TCB … SP ESP CPU Thread 1 readyThread 2 running Thread 1 registers Thread 2 regs From Section 3 – Winter 2006

20 Done; return Xsthread_switch: pusha movl %esp,(%eax) movl %edx,%esp popa ret Thread 1 TCB … SP Thread 2 TCB … SP ESP CPU Thread 1 readyThread 2 running Thread 1 registers  What got switched? SP PC (how?) Other registers Thread 2 regs From Section 3 – Winter 2006

21 Adjusting the PC Thread 1 TCB … SP Thread 2 TCB … SP ESP CPU Thread 2 running: switch(t2,...); 0x800:printf(“test 2”); Thread 1 registers  ret pops off the new return address! ra=0x800 PC Thread 1 (stopped): switch(t1,t2); 0x400: printf(“test 1”); ra=0x400 From Section 3 – Winter 2006

22 Join! Exciting new construct!  Wait until another thread terminates and get its return value  Convenient way to synchronize threads  Assumption A joinable thread is guaranteed to be joined by another thread (not threads!) Join can be called only one time at any time in the life- cycle of a joinable thread Behavior of multiple calls of join on a single joinable thread is undefined

23 Think about  How do you start a new thread? How do you pass an argument to the start function?  How do you deal the main(or initial) thread?  When & how do you reclaim resources of a terminated thread?  Where does sthread_switch() return?  Who should call sthread_switch() and when?  What should be in struct _sthread(TCB)?  How do you identify current thread?  How do you block a thread?  What should be in struct _sthread_mutex?  What should be in struct _sthread_cond?

24 Hints  Read project descriptions & given codes There are many hints already pthread manual pages may be helpful  Design first Answer questions in previous slides Write your algorithms and verify them  Program Don’t forget to comment your code!  Test, test, test, … Write your own test programs  Pick the right tree This project is not a lot of code. If you’re writing a lot of code, you’re probably confused. Keep in mind, we might have different definitions of “a lot of code” This is an easy project to do, but a really f’n hard project to do right.

25 CVS  Make your project concurrent just like your programs  Refer any CSE303 course material au/syllabus/11-14-files/ wi/lec19.pdf wi/lec19.pdf

26 Scenario  Your team has two members dumb dumber  UNIX group of your team is cse451x  dumber is going to maintain the repository  The name of repository is cse451x

27 Import source code  Copy simplethreads-1.30.tar.gz  Type following % tar zxf simplethreads-1.30.tar.gz % cd simplethreads-1.30 % cvs –d $USER@attu:/projects/.instr/CurrentQtr/cse451/cse451x import –m “initial skeleton code” simplethreads SIMPLETHREADS SIMPLETHREADS_1_30 % cd.. % rm –rf simplethreads-1.30  Now you can check out using simplethreads as a module name

28 Set CVSROOT & CVS_RSH  You want to access the repository remotely! Bash  export CVS_RSH=ssh  export CVSROOT=$USER@attu:/projects/.instr/CurrentQtr/cse451/cse451x Csh/tcsh  setenv CVS_RSH ssh  setenv CVSROOT $USER@attu:/projects/.instr/CurrentQtr/cse451/cse451xCVSROOT  To check your shell, % echo $SHELL

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