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Physics 262 Website: Exams: 7 midterms, scantron but not multiple choice Drop lowest.

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Presentation on theme: "Physics 262 Website: Exams: 7 midterms, scantron but not multiple choice Drop lowest."— Presentation transcript:

1 Physics 262 Website: Exams: 7 midterms, scantron but not multiple choice Drop lowest. No make-up exams. Exams will be posted at least two weeks before being given. Numbers and geometric details will be changed. You will want to get an iClicker and MP. 0.1% of missed exam points (up to max 50%) per HW problem, iClicker quiz.

2 Written HW due approximately every week. 32.6, 32.8, 32.10 Due Mon Aug 30.

3 Electromagnetic “Discontinuities” Must Propagate at a speed


5 Our wavefront satisfies both “Gauss’s laws” because there is no enclosed charge or current, and fields on opposite sides of the box are the same.

6 There is a changing B flux as the wavefront moves by. This changing flux must be equal to the line integral of the E field. Only the back edge (gh) contributes to this line integral.

7 There is a changing E flux also. This gives another reqd relation between E and B.

8 Which could be EM waveforms? I II III A] I only B] I & II only C] all of them D] none of them

9 What direction are these EM waves moving? I II III A] +z B] -z C] along z, but cannot determine + or - D] Cannot tell at all



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