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10/12: “Properties of Interaction Networks”

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1 10/12: “Properties of Interaction Networks”
Presenter: Susan Tang Scriber: Neda Nategh DFLW: Chuan Sheng Foo Upcoming: 10/17: “Transforming Cells into Automata” Ravi Tiruvury “Index-based search of single sequences” Omkar Mate 10/19: “Multiple indexes and multiple alignments” Siddharth Jonathan “Human Migrations” Anjalee Sujanani

2 Properties of Interaction Networks
CS 374 Presentation Susan Tang October 12, 2006

3 Protein Interactions Protein interactions are ubiquitous and essential for cellular function Signal transduction Metabolic pathway Transcription regulation

4 Protein Interaction: Cell Signaling

5 Protein Interaction: Metabolic Pathway

6 Protein Interaction: Transcription Regulation

7 Protein Interaction Network
Yeast Protein Interaction Network. Tucker et al

8 Importance of Protein Interaction Networks
Studying protein interaction network architecture allows us to: Assess the role of individual proteins in the overall pathway Evaluate redundancy of network components Identify candidate genes involved in genetic diseases Sets up the framework for mathematical models For complex systems, the actual output may not be predictable by looking at only individual components: The whole is greater than the sum of its parts

9 Protein Interaction Data
High-throughput experiments Yeast 2 Hybrid Screens Co-IP Experimental flaws False positives / False negatives Self-activators Promiscuous proteins Protein concentration differences Lack of benchmark Yeast 2 Hybrid Screen (Cytotrap System)

10 Protein Interaction Data
Figure 1. Network cross-comparison. Pairs of proteins have been binned according to their shortest path in networks generated from Y2H and Co-IP data. The false-color map indicates bins with more (red) or fewer (blue) interactions than expected by chance. Bins enriched for true positives, false positives and true noninteractors are indicated. Gaining confidence in high-throughput protein interaction networks. Bader et al

11 Protein Interaction Data
Validation mRNA co-expression genetic interactions database annotations / keywords Analysis based on validation studies show that only 30 – 50 % of high-throughput interactions are valid. Genomic Expression Programs in the Response of Yeast Cells to Environmental Changes. Gasch et al

12 Protein Interaction Data: Verification
Figure 4. Joint analysis of physical and genetic interactions. Genetic interactions have been used as anchors to mine the physical interaction network. Lines indicate high-confidence physical interactions (blue), genetic interactions (red) and physical + genetic interactions (black). Protein color indicates biological process (red, cell cycle; green, cell defense; cell environment, yellow; cell fate, yellow; cell organization, magenta; metabolism, lavender; protein fate, blue; protein synthesis, cyan; transcription, brown; transport mechanisms, tan; gray, no annotation). Gaining confidence in high-throughput protein interaction networks. Bader et al

13 Interaction Networks: Features
Network Conservation Across Species Comparison between yeast, fly, worm 3 eukaryotic species with most complete networks 71 network regions are conserved across all 3 species Conserved patterns of protein interaction in multiple species. Sharan et al

14 Interaction Networks: Literature
Interactions can be mapped from one genome to another through comparative genomics Annotation Transfer Between Genomes: Protein-Protein Interologs and Protein-DNA Regulogs Yu et al. By correlating gene expression profiles for a hub and its partners, we can predict whether it’s a date or party hub Evidence for dynamically organized modularity in the yeast protein-protein interaction network Han et al.

15 Interolog Mapping: Background
Homology-based function annotation Sequence similarity  structural similarity  functional similarity Protein function is a vague term and difficult to compare Focus on one aspect of protein function: Interactions with other proteins Examine the accuracy of comparing sequences to extrapolate protein interactions Functional similarity = f (Sequence similarity) Protein interactions = f (Joint sequence similarity of interaction pair )

16 Interolog Mapping: Protein Homology
Homologs = proteins with significant sequence similarity (E-value<=10-10 ) Homologs encompass orthologs and paralogs Paralogs = proteins in the same species that arose from gene duplication DIFFERENT FUNCTION Orthologs = proteins in different species that evolved from a common ancestor by speciation SAME FUNCTION Out-Paralogs In-Paralogs C

17 Interolog Mapping: Orthologs
Interest in Orthologs Key concept: If A and B interact in one species  orthologs A’ and B’ will interact (A’ & B’) = “interologs” of (A & B) Defining Orthologs Loose definition: Top-blast hit Stringent definition: Reciprocal top-blast hit Not all orthologs can be found using above definitions Maintain function  Maintain interactions

18 Interolog Mapping: Interaction Transfer
Previous Works Best-match mapping Reciprocal best-match mapping Disadvantages: Low coverage of total set of interactions Low prediction accuracy Limitations of Interaction Transfer Some networks are more complete than others Proportion of proteins that is annotated Proportion of protein interaction partners recorded

19 Interolog Mapping: New Method
Generalized Interolog Mapping Search for all homologs of each interacting protein  homolog family Generalized interologs = any protein from family 1 + any protein from family 2

20 Interolog Mapping: Sequence Similarity Measures
Joint Sequence Similarity Many ways to define joint sequence similarity 2 definitions are used here Joint Sequence Identity Joint E-Value JE less biased in shorter sequences than JI Prediction Accuracy vs. JE and Prediction Accuracy vs. JI plots convey similar trend

21 Interolog Mapping: Data
Gold Standard Positives P Known interacting protein pairs in target organism Loose definition of an interaction: does not have to be a physical interaction; can be via a complex association 8250 unique interactions in yeast Gold Standard Negatives N Known non-interacting protein pairs in target organism Extracted/estimated from knowledge about protein localization 2,708,746 non-interactions in yeast

22 Interolog Mapping: Schema
S. cerevisiae(yeast) H. pylori (bacteria) S. Cerevisiae (yeast) C. elegans (worm) D. melanogaster(fly)

23 Interolog Mapping: Quantitative Parameters
Verification V(J) = percentage of verified predictions among generalized interologs using J Likelihood Ratio L(J) = likelihood that a generalized interolog is a true prediction Opost = L(J) Oprior Naïve Bayesian network  no correlations between features  iterative use of different L’s Opost/Oprior

24 Interolog Mapping: Sequence Similarity and Interaction Transfer
Weighted Average of all 4 mappings 70

25 Interolog Mapping: Comparison to Other Methods
By the numbers… Applies to C.elegans  S.cerevisiae mapping only Best-Match Reciprocal Best-Match Generalized Interolog (all) Generalized Interolog (top 5% JE ) Predicted 84 33 9317 112 Validated 25 18 162 35 Accuracy 30% 54% 2% 31%

26 Interolog Mapping: Trade-Offs
Increase JE  Increase Accuracy Decrease Predictive Power

27 Interolog Mapping: Experimental Verification
PIE (Probabilities Interactome Experimental) = 4 large-scale yeast interaction data sets ROC curves compare generalized interolog mapping PIE Generalized interlog mapping: coverage and accuracy comparable to PIE

28 Interolog Mapping: Summary
Finding Higher joint sequence similarity  Higher accuracy of protein interaction transfer Application Can use interolog mapping method developed in paper to predict interactions in model organisms with less-complete interaction networks

29 Interaction Networks: Literature
Interactions can be mapped from one genome to another through comparative genomics Annotation Transfer Between Genomes: Protein-Protein Interologs and Protein-DNA Regulogs Yu et al. By correlating gene expression profiles for a hub and its partners, we can predict whether it’s a date or party hub Evidence for dynamically organized modularity in the yeast protein-protein interaction network Han et al.

30 Interaction Network Modularity: Background
Interaction networks are scale-free Most proteins interact with a small number of partners A few proteins (“hubs”) interact with many partners Resistant to random node removal Sensitive to targeted hub removal Types of Hubs Party Hubs Interact with most of their partners simultaneously Perform specific functions inside module Date Hubs Interact with different partners at different times or locations Connect modules (biological processes) together

31 Party Hub: Example (Supreme Court)
David H. Souter Samuel Alito, Jr. Stephen G Breyer John Roberts (Chief of Justice) Clarence Thomas Ruth Bader Ginsburg Anthony Kennedy Antonin Scalia John Paul Stevens

32 Date Hub: Example (Presidential Cabinet)
Margaret Spellings Elaine Chao Dept of Labor Condoleeza Rice (Secretary of State) George Bush Michael O. Leavitt (Dept of HHS) Alberto Gonzales Department of Justice Samuel Bodman (Dept of Energy)

33 Interaction Network Modularity: Network Construction
Filtered Yeast Interactome(FYI) Input Methods High-throughput yeast-2-hybrid projects Co-IP Computational predictions MIPS protein complexes MIPS physical interactions Procedure Extract high-confidence interactions in yeast High confidence = observed by atleast 2 different input methods Results 1,379 proteins in this set Average: 3.6 interactions per protein Largest component: 778 proteins connected

34 Interaction Network Modularity: Hub Identification
Any node (protein) with more than 5 edges ( k > 5 )

35 Interaction Network Modularity: Hub Characterization
Data Source mRNA gene expression profiles Data for 5 different conditions Pearson Correlation Coefficients (PCC) Hub vs. Non-Hub Calculate PCC for a hub and each of its partners  take average Calculate PCC for a non-hub and each of its partners  take average Look at distribution of average PCC Hubs have a bi-modal distribution Non-hubs have a normal distribution centered near 0

36 Interaction Network Modularity: PCC Distribution

37 Interaction Network Modularity Prediction of Date vs. Party Hub
Yeast Expression Compendium Superset of data for all external conditions Bi- modal: suggests we can partition date hubs from party hubs Yeast Expression Conditions Pheromone treatment data points Sporulation data points Unfolded protein response 9 data points Stress response data points Cell cycle data points Date/Party Partition Party Hubs = nodes with average PCC > cutoff in >= 1 conditions Absence of clear bi-modal Presence of clear bi-modal

38 Interaction Network Modularity: In Silico Node Removal
Effect on Path Connectivity Characteristic path length = average shortest path length between node pairs Remove node  observe change in characteristic path length Is there a difference in path connectivity change for removal of party vs. date hubs? YES Party hubs: connectivity not affected Date hubs: connectivity decreased

39 Interaction Network Modularity: In Silico Node Removal
Effect on Remaining Components Is there a difference in main component after node removal for party vs. date hubs? YES Main Component (Remove party hub) >> Main Component (Remove date hub) FYI Network Removal (Date Hub) Removal (Party Hub)

40 Interaction Network Modularity: In Silico Node Removal
Date Hub Subnetworks Each subnetwork has a tendency to be homogeneous in function Subnetworks  biological modules Can assign a ‘most likely’ function for each subnetwork by examining functional annotation

41 Interaction Network Modularity: Genetic Interactions
Organized modularity model predicts that genetic perturbations of party hubs should differ from those of date hubs Genetic Perturbation Date hubs and party hubs are comparable in terms of functional essentiality Date hubs have more genetic interactions than party hubs

42 Interaction Network Modularity: Date/Hub Representation of FYI

43 Interaction Network Modularity: Summary
Findings In silico investigation and genetic interaction analysis both describe a protein interaction model where: there is organized modularity date hubs act as module connectors party hubs function at a lower level within modules. Application Use this prediction method to classify and organize other interactomes into a modular network Identification of party and date hubs may provide insight into potential drug targets

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