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Exports as % of country’s GDP Match the country with its exports: 12%, 13%, 20%, 37%, 50%, 108% Germany, Japan, U.S., France, Hungary, Hong Kong.

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Presentation on theme: "Exports as % of country’s GDP Match the country with its exports: 12%, 13%, 20%, 37%, 50%, 108% Germany, Japan, U.S., France, Hungary, Hong Kong."— Presentation transcript:

1 Exports as % of country’s GDP Match the country with its exports: 12%, 13%, 20%, 37%, 50%, 108% Germany, Japan, U.S., France, Hungary, Hong Kong

2 The changing U.S. demographics Foreign born population: NY= 28%, LA= 38% Those who speak language other than English at home: NY= 41%, LA= 50% Minority students in public schools: NY= 83%, LA= 88% Women = over 40% medical and law students, managers, administrators, and Ph.D. candidates, 44% economists, 59% public officials, 3-5% of senior management in Fortune 1000

3 Material consumption of a child Less Developed World Developed World

4 2003 PPP GDP in $ Trillions Data: CIA Factbook

5 2001- 2003 PPP GDP in $ Trillions Data: World Bank

6 2003 Real GDP in $ Trillions Data: World Bank

7 2003 Real GDP Per Capita in $ Trillions Data: World Bank

8 Russia 1999 Moscow police chief says 95% of his force is on the take 70% of Russia’s economy is on barter Over 40 million live on less than $40 month Only 10-15% of babies are born healthy 70% of pregnancies end in abortion Rotgut vodka killed 32,000

9 World Consumption Industrial nations with 25% of world’s population consume: 70% world’s energy, 75% world’s metals and 85% world’s wood In 1999, the average American contributed 1,570 lbs. of solid trash 3,613 lbs. of sewage and 23 tons of hazardous waste US makes up 5% of world’s population, but consumes 65% of illicit drugs

10 Incarceration Rate per 100,000

11 Price for Kilo of Heroin

12 If we could shrink the Earth’s population to a village of 100 people, it would look like this: The village would be 57 Asians, 21 Europeans, 8 Latin Americans, 8 Africans and 5 North Americans. 70 would be non-white; 30 white. 70 would be non-Christian; 30 Christian. 6 people would control 50% of the entire wealth, and all 6 of them would be from the United States. 70 would be unable to read. 50 would suffer from malnutrition. 80 would live in substandard housing. Only 2 would have a college education.

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