The Linguistics Society Cantonese Course 2007 Lesson 2.

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Presentation on theme: "The Linguistics Society Cantonese Course 2007 Lesson 2."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Linguistics Society Cantonese Course 2007 Lesson 2

2 Members Gathering  Date: 11/10 (Thurs)  Venue: Seafront BBQ Site  Fee: Free for Members $20 only for non-members  Activity: Enjoy BBQ with others, Games and LUCKY DRAW!

3 Cantonese Course 2007 Lesson 2 Revision for lesson 1

4 Vocabulary - Pronouns 我 ngo5 all = I /me 你 nei5 / lei6 nay / lay = you (singular) 佢 keui5 kui = he/ him / she / her 我地 ngo5 dei6 all day [ I pl. ] = we / us 你地 nei5 dei6 lei dei [ you pl. ] = you (plural) 佢地 keui5 dei6 kui day [ he/she pl. ] = they / them

5 Vocabulary - Greetings 你好嗎 nei5 hou2 ma3 lay hole ma = How are you? 早晨 jou2 san4 joe sun = Good morning 早抖 jou2 tau2 joe tau = Good night 晚安 maan5 on1 man on = good night (more polite )

6 Vocabulary - Numbers 零 ling4 ling 一 yat1 yut 10 二 yi6 yee 三 saam1 sarm 四 sei3 say 五 ng5 hm 六 luk6 look 七 chat1 chut 八 baat3 bard 九 gau2 gou 十 sap6 sub 23456 78910 百 baak3 bark 千 chin1 chin 萬 maan6 man 1001000 10000

7 Vocabulary - Greetings 七十九 chat1 sap6 gau2 chut sub gou [ 7 10 9 ] = 79 一百六十七 yat1 baak3 luk6 sap6 chat1 yut bark look sub chut [ 1 100 6 10 7 ] 100 60 7 = 167

8 Cantonese Course 2007 Lesson 2 溫習活動 wan1 zaap6 wut6 dung6 Revising Activity

9 Cantonese Course 2007 Lesson 2 Self Introduction - Name

10 Self Introduction – Name (1)  我係 Jojo  Ngo5 hai6 Jojo  All hai Jojo  = I am Jojo

11 Self Introduction – Name (2)  我個名係 Diana  Ngo5 go3 meng4 hai6 Diana  All gor men high Diana  = My name is Diana

12 Self Introduction – Name (3)  我叫 Thomas  Ngo5 giu3 Thomas  All gill Thomas  = I am called Thomas  = My name is Thomas

13 Self Introduction – Name (4)  佢叫 John  Keui5 giu3 John  Kui gill John  = I am called John  = My name is John

14 Cantonese Course 2007 Lesson 2 練習 lin6 zaap6 Self-Practice

15 Cantonese Course 2007 Lesson 2 Self Introduction – Home country

16 香港 Heung1 Gong2 Heung Gong = Hong Kong

17 Self Introduction – Home country 中國 Jung1 Gwok3 Jone Gok = China

18 Self Introduction – Home country 英國 Ying1 Gwok3 Ying Gok = UK

19 Self Introduction – Home country 英格蘭 Ying1 Gaak3 Laan4 Ying Gak Land = England

20 Self Introduction – Home country 日本 Yat6 Bun6 Yet Bun = Japan

21 Self Introduction – Home country 法國 Faat3 Gwok3 Fat Gok = France

22 Self Introduction – Home country 瑞士 Seui6 Si6 Seui Si = Switzerland

23 Self Introduction – Home country 印尼 Yan6 Nei4 Yan Lei = Indonesia

24 Self Introduction – Home country 美國 Mei5 Gwok3 May Gok = USA

25 Self Introduction – Home country 德國 Dak1 Gwok3 Duck Gok = Germany

26 Self Introduction – Home country 西班牙 Sai1 Baan1 Nga4 Sai Barn Ah = Spain

27 Self Introduction – Home country 意大利 Yi3 Dai6 Lei6 Yee Dai Lay = Italy

28 Self Introduction – Home country  我係中國黎架  Ngo5 hai6 Jung1 Gwok3 lai4 ga3  All high Jone Gok lie ga  = I come from China.

29 Self Introduction – Home country  我係美國人  Ngo5 hai6 Mei5 Gwok3 yan4  All high May Gok yen  = I am a person from US  = I am from US

30 Making Question – Home country  你係邊度黎架?  Nei5 hai6 bin1 dou6 lai4 ga3?  Lay high bin dow lie ga?  = Where do you come from?

31 Cantonese Course 2007 Lesson 2 練習 lin6 zaap6 Self-Practice

32 Cantonese Course 2007 Lesson 2 Self Introduction – Academic Subjects

33 Vocabularies - School = School of Business and Management 商學院 Seung1 Hok6 Yun2 Song Hok Yun

34 Vocabularies - School = School of Science 理學院 Lei5 Hok6 Yun2 Lay Hok Yun

35 Vocabularies - School = School of Engineering 工學院 Gung1 Hok6 Yun2 Gong Hok Yun

36 Vocabularies - Subject = Accounting 會計學 Wui6 Gai3 Hok6 Wui Guy Hok

37 Vocabularies - Subject = Finance 金融學 Gam1 Yung4 Hok6 Game Yong Hok

38 Vocabularies - Subject = Economics 經濟學 Ging1 Jai3 Hok6 King Jai Hok

39 Vocabularies - Subject = Physics 物理 Mat6 Lei5 Mud Lay

40 Vocabularies - Subject = Mathematics 數學 Sou3 Hok6 So Hok

41 Vocabularies - Subject = Social Science 社會科學 Se5 Wui5 Fo1 Hok6 See Wui Fall Hook

42 Vocabularies - Subject = Civil Engineering 土木工程 Tou2 Muk6 Gung1 Ching4 Told Mook Gong Ching

43 Vocabularies - Subject = Electrical Engineering 電子工程 Din6 Ji2 Gung1 Ching4 Dean G Gong Ching

44 Self Introduction - Subject  我讀電子工程  Ngo5 duk6 Din6 Ji2 Gung1 Ching4  All dok Dean G Gong Ching  = I study Electrical Engineering

45 Making Question - Subject  你讀咩科?  Nei5 duk6 me1 fo1?  Lay dok mei for?  = What subject do you study?

46 Cantonese Course 2007 Lesson 2 練習 lin6 zaap6 Self-Practice

47 Cantonese Course 2007 Lesson 2 Date and Time

48 Vocabulary - Date -年 nin4 / lin4 lean = year

49 Vocabulary - Date -月 yut6 yurt = month

50 Vocabulary - Date -號 hou6 hole = day

51 Vocabulary - Date 星期- sing1 kei4 sing kay = day of week

52 Date - Example  2007 年 9 月 28 號 ( 星期五 )  2007 nin4 9 yut6 28 hou6 (sing1 kei4 5)  gum yet high 2007 lean 9 yurt 28 hole (sing kay 5)  = 2007 September 28 (Friday)

53 Vocabulary - Date 今日 gam1 yat6 gum yet = today

54 Vocabulary - Date 尋日 cham4 yat6 chum yet = yesterday

55 Vocabulary - Date 擒日 kam4 yat6 kum yet = yesterday

56 Vocabulary - Date 聽日 ting1 yat6 ting yet = tomorrow

57 Vocabulary - Date 前日 chin4 yat6 chin yet = day before yesterday

58 Vocabulary - Date 後日 hau6 yat6 how yet = day after tomorrow

59 Sentence Date  尋日係 2007 年 9 月 27 號 ( 星期四 )  cham4 yat6 hai6 2007 nin4 9 yut6 27 hou6 (sing1 kei4 5)  chum yet high 2006 lean 9 yurt 27 hole (sing kay 4)  = Yesterday is 2007 September 27 (Thursday)

60 Vocabulary – Question Word for date 幾號 gei2 hou6 gay hole = what date

61 Making Question - Date  聽日幾號 ?  Ting1 yat6 gei2 hou6?  ting yet gay hole?  = What is the date tomorrow?

62 Cantonese Course 2007 Lesson 2 練習 lin6 zaap6 Self-Practice

63 Vocabulary - Time -點 dim2 dim = o’clock

64 Vocabulary - Time -分 fan1 fun = minutes

65 Vocabulary - Time -秒 miu5 meal = seconds

66 Vocabulary - Time 凌晨 ling4 san4 ling sun = midnight (midnight-sunrise)

67 Vocabulary - Time 上晝 seung6 jau3 surn jow = morning (sunrise-noon)

68 Vocabulary - Time 下晝 ha6 jau3 ha jow = afternoon (noon-sunset)

69 Vocabulary - Time 夜晚 ye6 maan5 yeah marn = evening (sunset-midnight)

70 Vocabulary - Time 宜家 yi4 ga1 yee ga = now

71 Phrase on Time 宜家係- yi4 ga1 hai6 yee ga high = now is

72 Sentence on Time  宜家係夜晚 8 點 14 分 32 秒  yi4 ga1 hai6 ye6 maan5 8 dim2 14 fan1 32 miu5  yee ga high yeah marn 8 dim 14 fun 32 meal  = Time is now 8:14:32 pm

73 Vocabulary – Question Word 幾點 gei2 dim2 gay dim = what time

74 Question on Time  宜家幾點?  yi4 ga1 gei2 dim2?  yee ga gay dim?  = What is the time now?

75 Cantonese Course 2007 Lesson 2 活動 wut6 dung6 Activity

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