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The Great Depression and Great Recession October 3, 2011 Jim Butkiewicz University of Delaware.

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1 The Great Depression and Great Recession October 3, 2011 Jim Butkiewicz University of Delaware

2 Comparisons The recent Great Recession has resulted in significant economic losses and personal suffering Still, the Great Depression was far worse




6 Recovery from the Depression Treasury’s expansionary monetary policy


8 Recovery from the Depression Treasury’s expansionary monetary policy Fiscal policy not expansionary Bank lending stagnant $20 - $22 billion Federal lending by new agencies ◦Home Owner’s Loan Corporation ◦Federal Farm Mortgage Corporation ◦Reconstruction Finance Corporation ◦Commodity Credit Corporation ◦U.S. Housing Authority and Federal Housing Administration



11 The Great Recession The downturn was due to a real shock – the bursting of the housing bubble Initially expansionary monetary response became contractionary, but has since reversed Impact of fiscal stimulus questionable ◦State and local governments constrained and have significant unfunded liabilities Fiscal policy now constrained unlike depression Bank lending a constraint


13 You are known by the company you keep


15 Remaining Hurdles Administration’s anti-business attitude and policies (Obama similar to FDR) ◦Uncertainty regarding health care policy ◦Uncertainty about regulation ◦NLRB – Boeing decision Continuing housing deflation


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