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Motivation and Values Chapter 4. 4-2 What are Paula’s motivations for being a vegetarian? How is vegetarianism being promoted and who is promoting it?

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Presentation on theme: "Motivation and Values Chapter 4. 4-2 What are Paula’s motivations for being a vegetarian? How is vegetarianism being promoted and who is promoting it?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Motivation and Values Chapter 4

2 4-2 What are Paula’s motivations for being a vegetarian? How is vegetarianism being promoted and who is promoting it? How is the beef industry responding to this movement toward a meatless diet? How are values influencing individuals’ choices in consumption? Opening Vignette: Paula

3 4-3 Motivation & Values The forces that drive us to buy/use products… –Are usually straightforward –Can be related to wide-spread beliefs –Are emotional & create deep commitment –Are sometimes not immediately recognizable to us

4 4-4 The Motivation Process Motivation: –The processes that lead people to behave as they do. It occurs when a need arises that a consumer wishes to satisfy. Utilitarian need: Provides a functional or practical benefit Hedonic need: An experiential need involving emotional responses or fantasies Goal: –The end state that is desired by the consumer.

5 4-5 The Motivation Process Drive: –The degree of arousal present due to a discrepancy between the consumer ’ s present state and some ideal state Want: –A manifestation of a need created by personal and cultural factors. Motivation can be described in terms of: –Strength: The pull it exerts on the consumer –Direction: The particular way the consumer attempts to reduce motivational tension

6 4-6 Ads Reinforce Desired States This ad for exercise shows men a desired state (as dictated by contemporary Western culture), and suggests a solution (purchase of equipment) to attain it.

7 4-7 Motivational Strength Biological vs. Learned Needs: –Instinct: Innate patterns of behavior universal in a species –Tautology: Circular explanation (e.g. instinct is inferred from the behavior it is supposed to explain) Drive Theory: –Biological needs produce unpleasant states of arousal. We are motivated to reduce tension caused by this arousal. Expectancy Theory: –Behavior is pulled by expectations of achieving desirable outcomes – positive incentives – rather than pushed from within

8 4-8 Motivational Direction Needs Versus Wants: –Want: The particular form of consumption used to satisfy a need. Types of Needs –Biogenic needs: Needs necessary to maintain life –Psychogenic needs: Culture-related needs (e.g. need for status, power, affiliation, etc.) –Utilitarian needs: Implies that consumers will emphasize the objective, tangible aspects of products –Hedonic needs: Subjective and experiential needs (e.g. excitement, self-confidence, fantasy, etc.)

9 4-9 Motivational Direction

10 4-10 Instant Gratification of Needs We expect today’s technical products to satisfy our needs – instantly.

11 4-11 Motivational Conflicts Goal valence –Positively-valued goal: approach –Negatively-valued goal: avoid Deodorants & mouthwash Positive and negative motives often conflict with one another

12 4-12 Motivational Conflicts (Cont’d) Approach-Approach –Two desirable alternatives –Cognitive dissonance Approach-Avoidance –Positive & negative aspects of desired product –Guilt of desire occurs Avoidance-Avoidance –Facing a choice with two undesirable alternatives

13 4-13 Classifying Consumer Needs: Maslow ’ s Hierarchy of Needs Figure 4.2

14 4-14 Dutch Conception of Paradise A Dutch respondent’s collage emphasizes this person’s conception of paradise as a place where there is interpersonal harmony and concern for the environment.

15 4-15 Criticisms of Maslow ’ s Hierarchy The application is too simplistic: –It is possible for the same product or activity to satisfy every need. It is too culture-bound: –The assumptions of the hierarchy may be restricted to Western culture It emphasizes individual needs over group needs –Individuals in some cultures place more value on the welfare of the group (belongingness needs) than the needs of the individual (esteem needs)

16 4-16 Discussion Devise separate promotional strategies for an article of clothing, each of which stresses one of the levels of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs.

17 4-17 Consumer Involvement Involvement: –A person ’ s perceived relevance of the object based on his/her inherent needs, values, and interests. Object: A product or brand Levels of Involvement: Inertia to Passion –Type of information processing depends on the consumer ’ s level of involvement Simple processing: Only the basic features of the message are considered Elaboration: Incoming information is linked to preexisting knowledge

18 4-18 Conceptualizing Involvement Figure 4.3

19 4-19 Increasing Involvement through Ads The Swiss Potato Board is trying to increase involvement with its product. The ad reads, “Recipes against boredom.”

20 4-20 Consumer Involvement (cont.) Involvement as a Continuum: –Ranges from disinterest to obsession Inertia (Low involvement consumption): –Consumer lacks the motivation to consider alternatives Flow State (High involvement consumption): –Consumer is truly involved with the product, ad or web site Cult Products: –Command fierce consumer loyalty and perhaps worship by consumers who are highly involved in the product

21 4-21 Cult Products Command fierce consumer loyalty, devotion, and worship –High involvement in a brand –E.g., Apple computers, Harley-Davidson CLICK ON LOGO TO SEE VIDEO ABOUT CONSUMERS’ DEVOTION TO HARLEY DAVIDSON

22 4-22 The Many Faces of Involvement Product Involvement: –Related to a consumer ’ s level of interest in a particular product Message-Response Involvement: –(a.k.a. advertising involvement) Refers to a consumer ’ s interest in processing marketing communications Purchase Situation Involvement: –Refers to the differences that may occur when buying the same product for different contexts

23 4-23 Customizing for Product Involvement

24 4-24 Purchase Situation Involvement Differences that may occur when buying the same object for different contexts –Social risk is a consideration –Gift as symbol of involvement

25 4-25 Measuring Involvement Teasing out the Dimensions of Involvement: –Involvement Profile: Personal interest in a product category Risk importance Probability of making a bad purchase Pleasure value of the product category How closely the product is related to the self –Zaichkowsky ’ s Personal Involvement Inventory Scale Segmenting by Involvement Levels: –Involvement is a useful basis for market segmentation

26 4-26 Table 4.1: Involvement Scale To Me (Object to be Judged) Is 1.important_:_:_:_:_:_:_unimportant 2.boring_:_:_:_:_:_:_interesting 3.relevant_:_:_:_:_:_:_irrelevant 4.exciting_:_:_:_:_:_:_unexciting 5.means nothing_:_:_:_:_:_:_means a lot 6.appealing_:_:_:_:_:_:_unappealing 7.fascinating_:_:_:_:_:_:_mundane 8.worthless_:_:_:_:_:_:_valuable 9.involving_:_:_:_:_:_:_uninvolving 10.not needed_:_:_:_:_:_:_needed

27 4-27 Strategies to Increase Involvement Appeal to hedonistic needs Use novel stimuli in commercials Use prominent stimuli in commercials Include celebrity endorsers in commercials Build consumer bonds via ongoing consumer relationships

28 4-28 Values Value: –A belief that some condition is preferable to its opposite (e.g. freedom is better than slavery) Core Values: –General set of values that uniquely define a culture Value system: A culture ’ s unique set of rankings of the relative importance of universal values.

29 4-29 Core Values Every culture has its own set of values –E.g., individualism vs. collectivism Value system Enculturation vs. acculturation –Socialization agents: parents, friends, teachers –Media as agent Discussion: Core values evolve over time. What do you think are the 3–5 core values that best describe Americans today?

30 4-30 Using Values to Explain Consumer Behavior (Cont’d) List of Values (LOV) –Nine consumer segments/endorsed values –Values by consumer behaviors –E.g., those who endorse sense of belonging read Reader’s Digest & TV Guide, drink & entertain more, and prefer group activities

31 4-31 Means-end Chain Model FloristBeautyLoveTrue Friendship Product Important Product Attributes Instrumental Values (flexible) Terminal Values CheerfulHappiness

32 4-32 Materialism Materialism: –The importance people attach to worldly possessions –Tends to emphasize the well-being of the individual versus the group –People with highly material values tend to be less happy –America is a highly materialistic society –There are a number of anti-materialism movements

33 4-33 Values of Materialists Materialists value visible symbols of success such as expensive watches.

34 4-34 Materialists are more likely to consume for status. Can you think of products and brands that convey status? There is a movement away from materialism in our culture. Can you think of products, ads, or brands that are anti- materialistic? Discussion Question

35 4-35 Consumer Behavior in the Aftermath of 9/11 Need for balance… –9/11 & consumer values Redirecting focus from luxury goods to community/family Terror Management Theory Consumer privacy vs. security

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