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Outline Statistical Process Control (SPC) Process Capability

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1 Outline Statistical Process Control (SPC) Process Capability
Control Charts for Variables The Central Limit Theorem Setting Mean Chart Limits ( x-Charts) Setting Range Chart Limits (R-Charts) Using Mean and Range Charts Control Charts for Attributes Managerial Issues and Control Charts Process Capability Acceptance Sampling Operating Characteristic (OC) Curves Average Outgoing Quality

2 Learning Objectives When you complete this chapter, you should be able to : Identify or Define: Natural and assignable causes of variation Central limit theorem Attribute and variable inspection Process control charts and R charts LCL and UCL p-charts and C-charts Cpk Acceptance sampling OC curve AQL and LTPD AOQ Producer’s and consumer’s risk

3 Learning Objectives - continued
When you complete this chapter, you should be able to : Describe or explain: The role of statistical quality control

4 Operations Management Quality and Statistical Process Control

5 In Class Exercise You are the president of Hydro Message Inc. (HMI). HMI produces devises which deliver water pulsing message shower heads and hand held devices for the bath. For the following example assume 100,000 units will be produced over the life of the product. Alternative 1: Is a simple-design hand-held. It has a 90% chance of yielding 95 good hand-helds out of every 100 manufactured. There is a 10% chance that the yield will be only 70 out of every Design cost is $400,000 and manufacturing cost is $25 per unit. Expected revenue is $45/unit. Alternative 2: Is a more complicated design. It has only a 60% chance of yielding 95 good hand-helds out of every 100 manufactured. There is a 40% chance that the yield will be only 40 out of every Design cost is $700,000 and manufacturing cost is $40 per unit. Anticipated revenue is $85/unit.

6 Solution Do nothing = $0 Simple Design Complex Design 90% 10% 60% 40%
Sales = Design = Manu Cost = Exp. Value = 90% Simple Design 10% Complex Design 60% 40% Do nothing = $0

7 Solution Simple Design Complex Design 90% 10% 60% 40%
Sales = .95*$45*100,000 = $4,275,000 Design = $400,000 Manu Cost = 100,000 *25 = $2,500,000 Exp. Value = $1,375,000 90% Simple Design 10% Complex Design 60% 40%

8 Solution Simple Design Complex Design 90% 10% 60% 40%
Sales = .95*$45*100,000 = $4,275,000 Design = $400,000 Manu Cost = 100,000 *25 = $2,500,000 Exp. Value = $1,375,000 90% Simple Design 10% Sales = .70*$45*100,000 = $3,150,000 Design = $400,000 Manu Cost = 100,000 *25 = $2,500,000 Exp. Value = $250,000 Sales = .95*$85*100,000 = $8,075,000 Design = $700,000 Manu Cost = 100,000 *40 = $4,000,000 Exp. Value = $3,375,000 Complex Design 60% 40% Sales = .40*$85*100,000 = $3,400,000 Design = $700,000 Manu Cost = 100,000 *40 = $4,000,000 Exp. Value = $-1,300,000

9 Solution Simple Design EMV = (.9*1,375,000) + (.1*250,000)
= $1,262,500 Sales = .95*$45*100,000 = $4,275,000 Design = $400,000 Manu Cost = 100,000 *25 = $2,500,000 Exp. Value = $1,375,000 90% 10% Sales = .70*$45*100,000 = $3,150,000 Design = $400,000 Manu Cost = 100,000 *25 = $2,500,000 Exp. Value = $250,000 Sales = .95*$85*100,000 = $8,075,000 Design = $700,000 Manu Cost = 100,000 *40 = $4,000,000 Exp. Value = $3,375,000 Complex Design EMV = $1,505,000 60% 40% Sales = .40*$85*100,000 = $3,400,000 Design = $700,000 Manu Cost = 100,000 *40 = $4,000,000 Exp. Value = $-1,300,000 Complex - Simple Delta = $242,500

10 Part II Alternative 1: The simple design has virtually no chance of shocking a customer in the bath (no change required to EMV of simple design). Alternative 2: Has a /unit chance of shocking a customer in the bath. If a person is shocked in the bathtub, it is assumed they will die. Legal has stated that each shock incident has a 20% chance of a $2,000,000 award and a 80% chance of being dismissed in a court of law due to adequate warning labels on the product. What is the new EMV for the complex design?

11 New information for scenario II
Sales = .95*$85*100,000 = $8,075,000 Design = $700,000 Manu Cost = 100,000 *40 = $4,000,000 Shock Cost = .95*100,000* *.20*2,000,000 = $190,000 Exp. Value = $3,195,000 60% 40% Sales = .40*$85*100,000 = $3,400,000 Design = $700,000 Manu Cost = 100,000 *40 = $4,000,000 Shock Cost = .40*100,000* *.20*2,000,000 = $80,000 Exp. Value = $-1,380,000 Complex Design EMV = .6 (3,195,000) + .4*(-1,380,000) = $1,365,000 Complex is still $102,500 better than the simple design. But is it worth taking the risk? What about the negative value of bad press? What about the ethical issues? Is one life worth more or less than $102,500?

12 Dimensions of Operations Strategy & Competitive Advantage
Time Price Quality Variety Competitive Advantage & Profit Means to best satisfy the customer P. 133 of text

13 Ways in Which Quality Can Improve Productivity
Sales Gains Improved response Higher Revenues (Prices) Improved reputation Improved Quality Increased Profits Reduced Costs Increased productivity Lower rework and scrap costs Lower warranty costs This slide not only looks at the impact of quality on productivity - it also enables you to begin a discussion as to the meaning of quality (or perhaps the differing meanings among different people). To many people, the notion of “high quality” carries with it the assumption of “high price.” This slide provides an initial point to challenge that assumption.

14 Flow of Activities Necessary to Achieve Total Quality Management
Organizational Practices Quality Principles Employee Fulfillment This slide simply introduces the four activities. Subsequent slides expand on each. Customer Satisfaction

15 Traditional Quality Process (Manufacturing)
Customer Marketing Engineering Operations Specifies Interprets Designs Produces Need Need Product Product Defines Plans Students might be asked what problems they would foresee in implementing this process. Quality Quality Quality is customer driven! Monitors Quality

16 Encompasses entire organization, from supplier to customer
TQM Encompasses entire organization, from supplier to customer Stresses a commitment by management to have a continuing company-wide drive toward excellence in all aspects of products and services that are important to the customer. A point to be made here is that TQM is not a program but a philosophy.

17 Achieving Total Quality Management
Customer Satisfaction Effective Business Attitudes (e.g., Commitment) Employee Fulfillment How to Do Quality Principles Again, a point to be made here is the universality required to achieve TQM. What to Do Organizational Practices

18 Deming’s Fourteen Points
Create consistency of purpose Lead to promote change Build quality into the products Build long term relationships Continuously improve product, quality, and service Start training Emphasize leadership One point to make here is that this list represents a recent expression of Demings 14 points - the list is still evolving. Students may notice that many of these fourteen points seem to be simply common sense. If they raise this issue - ask them to consider jobs they have held. Were these points emphasized or implemented by their employers? If not, why not? This part of the discussion can be used to raise again the issue that proper approaches to quality are not “programs,” with limited involvement and finite duration, but rather philosophies which must become ingrained throughout the organization.

19 Deming’s Points - continued
Drive out fear Break down barriers between departments Stop haranguing workers Support, help, improve Remove barriers to pride in work Institute a vigorous program of education and self-improvement Put everybody in the company to work on the transformation

20 Benchmarking Selecting best practices to use as a standard for performance Determine what to benchmark Form a benchmark team Identify benchmarking partners Collect and analyze benchmarking information Take action to match or exceed the benchmark Ask student to identify firms which they believe could serve as benchmarks. If students are unable to identify any firms - ask them to identify a college or university whose registration system or housing selection system could serve as a benchmark. Most students have enough knowledge of, or friends at,other colleges and universities so as to be able to respond to this question.

21 Resolving Customer Complaints Best Practices
Make it easy for clients to complain Respond quickly to complaints Resolve complaints on the first contact Recruit the best for customer service jobs One might ask students “Given that these suggestions seem to make intuitive sense, why would a company not wish to implement them?”

22 Just-in-Time (JIT) Relationship to quality: JIT cuts cost of quality
JIT improves quality Better quality means less inventory and better, easier-to-employ JIT system This slide introduces a discussion about JIT. Subsequent slides elaborate.

23 Just-In-Time (JIT) Example
Scrap Work in process inventory level (hides problems) Unreliable Vendors Capacity Imbalances

24 Just-In-Time (JIT) Example
Scrap Reducing inventory reveals problems so they can be solved. Unreliable Vendors Capacity Imbalances Note that reducing inventory enables problems to be seen - it does not necessarily fix them.

25 Quality Loss Function; Distribution of Products Produced
High loss Quality Loss Function (a) Unacceptable Loss (to producing organization, customer, and society) Target-oriented quality yields more product in the “best” category Poor Fair Good Best Low loss Target-oriented quality brings products toward the target value Conformance-oriented quality keeps product within three standard deviations Frequency This slide may help clarify the differences between conformance and target-based quality control. Distribution of specifications for product produced (b) Lower Target Upper Specification

26 Quality Loss Function Shows social cost ($) of deviation from target value Assumptions Most measurable quality characteristics (e.g., length, weight) have a target value Deviations from target value are undesirable Equation: L = D2C L = Loss ($); D = Deviation; C = Cost One question to pose to your students: “Of what value is the notion of a “social cost?” How might a manager use this in decision making?

27 Quality Loss Function Graph
Loss = (Actual X - Target)2 • (Cost of Deviation) Lower (upper) specification limit Measurement Greater deviation, more people are dissatisfied, higher cost This slide may be used to provide a graphical representation of the Quality Loss Function.

28 Quality Loss Function Example
The specifications for the diameter of a gear are ± 0.25 mm. If the diameter is out of specification, the gear must be scrapped at a cost of $ What is the loss function? How does one identify the “cost” given in this problem? © T/Maker Co.

29 Quality Loss Function Solution
L = D2C = (X - Target)2C L = Loss ($); D = Deviation; C = Cost 4.00 = ( )2C Item scrapped if greater than (USL = ) with a cost of $4.00 C = 4.00 / ( )2 = 64 L = D2 • 64 = (X )264 Enter various X values to obtain L & plot


31 Pareto Analysis of Wine Glass Defects (Total Defects = 75)
This slide probably deserves more discussion than most of us would tend to allot it. Students need to understand the cost of “going the extra mile,” - the difference between something which may be very good, and something which is perfect. The students also need to recognize that Pareto charts suggest where to place effort - on the item that looms largest on the chart. After progress is made on that item, then one performs a Pareto analysis on the remaining items, and repeats the procedure.. 72% 16% 5% 4% 3%

32 Statistical Quality Control (SPC)
Measures performance of a process Uses mathematics (i.e., statistics) Involves collecting, organizing, & interpreting data Objective: provide statistical when assignable causes of variation are present Used to Control the process as products are produced Inspect samples of finished products Points which might be emphasized include: - Statistical process control measures the performance of a process, it does not help to identify a particular specimen produced as being “good” or “bad,” in or out of tolerance. - Statistical process control requires the collection and analysis of data - therefore it is not helpful when total production consists of a small number of units - While statistical process control can not help identify a “good” or “bad” unit, it can enable one to decide whether or not to accept an entire production lot. If a sample of a production lot contains more than a specified number of defective items, statistical process control can give us a basis for rejecting the entire lot. The issue of rejecting a lot which was actually good can be raised here, but is probably better left to later.

33 Figure S6.1

34 Types of Statistical Quality Control
Process Control Acceptance Sampling Variables Charts Attributes This slide provides a framework for differentiating between “Process Control” and “Acceptance Sampling,” and “Variables” and “Attributes.” One might also raise the distinction between producer (process control) and customer (acceptance sampling). The next several slides deal with these distinctions.

35 Quality Characteristics
Variables Attributes Characteristics that you measure, e.g., weight, length May be in whole or in fractional numbers Continuous random variables Characteristics for which you focus on defects Classify products as either ‘good’ or ‘bad’, or count # defects e.g., radio works or not Categorical or discrete random variables Once the categories are outlined, students may be asked to provide examples of items for which variable or attribute inspection might be appropriate. They might also be asked to provide examples of products for which both characteristics might be important at different stages of the production process.

36 Statistical Process Control (SPC)
Statistical technique used to ensure process is making product to standard All process are subject to variability Natural causes: Random variations Assignable causes: Correctable problems Machine wear, unskilled workers, poor material Objective: Identify assignable causes Uses process control charts This slide introduces the difference between “natural” and “assignable” causes. The next several slides expand the discussion and introduce some of the statistical issues.

37 Process Control: Three Types of Process Outputs
Frequency Lower control limit Size Weight, length, speed, etc. Upper control limit (b) In statistical control, but not capable of producing within control limits. A process in control (only natural causes of variation are present) but not capable of producing within the specified control limits; and (c) Out of control. A process out of control having assignable causes of variation. (a) In statistical control and capable of producing within control limits. A process with only natural causes of variation and capable of producing within the specified control limits. This slide helps introduce different process outputs. It can also be used to illustrate natural and assignable variation.

38 The Relationship Between Population and Sampling Distributions
Uniform Normal Beta Distribution of sample means Standard deviation of the sample means (mean) Three population distributions

39 Sampling Distribution of Means, and Process Distribution
Sampling distribution of the means Process distribution of the sample It may be useful to spend some time explicitly discussing the difference between the sampling distribution of the means and the mean of the process population.

40 Process Control Charts
An example of a control chart. .

41 Control Chart Purposes
Show changes in data pattern e.g., trends Make corrections before process is out of control Show causes of changes in data Assignable causes Data outside control limits or trend in data Natural causes Random variations around average

42 Theoretical Basis of Control Charts
As sample size gets large enough, sampling distribution becomes almost normal regardless of population distribution. Central Limit Theorem The next three slides can be used in a discussion of the theoretical basis for statistical process control.

43 Theoretical Basis of Control Charts
Central Limit Theorem Mean Standard deviation

44 Theoretical Basis of Control Charts
Properties of normal distribution

45 Control Chart Types Continuous Numerical Data
Categorical or Discrete Numerical Data Control Charts Variables Attributes Charts Charts This slide simply introduces the various types of control charts. R X P C Chart Chart Chart Chart

46 Statistical Process Control Steps
No Produce Good Start Provide Service Assign. Take Sample Causes? Yes Inspect Sample Stop Process This slide introduces the statistical control process. It may be helpful here to walk students through an example or two of the process. The first walk through should probably be for a manufacturing process. The next several slides present information about the various types of process control slides: Create Find Out Why Control Chart

47 X Chart Type of variables control chart Shows sample means over time
Interval or ratio scaled numerical data Shows sample means over time Monitors process average Example: Weigh samples of coffee & compute means of samples; Plot

48 X Chart Control Limits
From Table S6.1 Sample Range at Time i Sample Mean at Time i The following slide provides much of the data from Table S4.1. # Samples

49 Factors for Computing Control Chart Limits

50 R Chart Type of variables control chart Shows sample ranges over time
Interval or ratio scaled numerical data Shows sample ranges over time Difference between smallest & largest values in inspection sample Monitors variability in process Example: Weigh samples of coffee & compute ranges of samples; Plot

51 R Chart Control Limits From Table S6.1 Sample Range at Time i
# Samples

52 Steps to Follow When Using Control Charts
Collect 20 to 25 samples of n=4 or n=5 from a stable process and compute the mean. Compute the overall means, set approximate control limits,and calculate the preliminary upper and lower control limits.If the process is not currently stable, use the desired mean instead of the overall mean to calculate limits. Graph the sample means and ranges on their respective control charts and determine whether they fall outside the acceptable limits.

53 Steps to Follow When Using Control Charts - continued
Investigate points or patterns that indicate the process is out of control. Assign causes for the variations. Collect additional samples and revalidate the control limits.

54 Figure S6.5

55 p Chart Type of attributes control chart
Nominally scaled categorical data e.g., good-bad Shows % of nonconforming items Example: Count # defective chairs & divide by total chairs inspected; Plot Chair is either defective or not defective

56 p Chart Control Limits z = 2 for 95.5% limits; z = 3 for 99.7% limits
# Defective Items in Sample i Size of sample i

57 c Chart Type of attributes control chart
Discrete quantitative data Shows number of nonconformities (defects) in a unit Unit may be chair, steel sheet, car etc. Size of unit must be constant Example: Count # defects (scratches, chips etc.) in each chair of a sample of 100 chairs; Plot

58 c Chart Control Limits Use 3 for 99.7% limits # Defects in Unit i
# Units Sampled

59 Figure S6.7

60 Process Capability Cpk
Assumes that the process is: under control normally distributed

61 Meanings of Cpk Measures
Cpk = negative number Cpk = zero Cpk = between 0 and 1 Cpk = 1 Cpk > 1

62 What Is Acceptance Sampling?
Form of quality testing used for incoming materials or finished goods e.g., purchased material & components Procedure Take one or more samples at random from a lot (shipment) of items Inspect each of the items in the sample Decide whether to reject the whole lot based on the inspection results Here again it is useful to stress that acceptance sampling relates to the aggregate, not the individual unit. You might also discuss the decision as to whether one should take only a single sample, or whether multiple samples are required.

63 What Is an Acceptance Plan?
Set of procedures for inspecting incoming materials or finished goods Identifies Type of sample Sample size (n) Criteria (c) used to reject or accept a lot Producer (supplier) & consumer (buyer) must negotiate

64 Operating Characteristics Curve
Shows how well a sampling plan discriminates between good & bad lots (shipments) Shows the relationship between the probability of accepting a lot & its quality You can use this and the next several slides to begin a discussion of the “quality” of the acceptance sampling plans. You will find additional slides on “consumer’s” and “producer’s” risk to pursue the issue in a more formal manner in subsequent slides.

65 OC Curve 100% Inspection P(Accept Whole Shipment) 100% 0% 1 2 3 4 5 6
Keep whole shipment Return whole shipment 0% 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Cut-Off % Defective in Lot

66 OC Curve with Less than 100% Sampling
P(Accept Whole Shipment) 100% 0% % Defective in Lot Cut-Off 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Return whole shipment Keep whole shipment Probability is not 100%: Risk of keeping bad shipment or returning good one.

67 AQL & LTPD Acceptable quality level (AQL)
Quality level of a good lot Producer (supplier) does not want lots with fewer defects than AQL rejected Lot tolerance percent defective (LTPD) Quality level of a bad lot Consumer (buyer) does not want lots with more defects than LTPD accepted Once the students understand the definition of these terms, have them consider how one would go about choosing values for AQL and LTPD.

68 Producer’s & Consumer’s Risk
Producer's risk () Probability of rejecting a good lot Probability of rejecting a lot when fraction defective is AQL Consumer's risk (ß) Probability of accepting a bad lot Probability of accepting a lot when fraction defective is LTPD This slide introduces the concept of “producer’s” risk and “consumer’s” risk. The following slide explores these concepts graphically.

69 An Operating Characteristic (OC) Curve Showing Risks
 = 0.05 producer’s risk for AQL = 0.10 Consumer’s risk for LTPD Probability of Acceptance Percent Defective Bad lots Indifference zone Good lots LTPD AQL 100 95 75 50 25 10

70 OC Curves for Different Sampling Plans
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 % Defective in Lot P(Accept Whole Shipment) 100% 0% LTPD AQL n = 50, c = 1 n = 100, c = 2 This slide presents the OC curve for two possible acceptance sampling plans.

71 Developing a Sample Plan
Negotiate between producer (supplier) and consumer (buyer) Both parties attempt to minimize risk Affects sample size & cut-off criterion Methods MIL-STD-105D Tables Dodge-Romig Tables Statistical Formulas

72 Statistical Process Control - Identify and Reduce Process Variability
Lower specification limit Upper specification limit (a) Acceptance sampling (b) Statistical process control (c) cpk >1 This may be a good time to stress that an overall goal of statistical process control is to “do it better,” i.e., improve over time.

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