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Animal Science What is Animal Science?.

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Presentation on theme: "Animal Science What is Animal Science?."— Presentation transcript:

1 Animal Science What is Animal Science?

2 What is Animal Science? Care, management and production of domestic animals Animals used for food, clothing, weapons & tools Today’s animal science includes biotechnology, genetics & behavior research

3 Domestication What was the first domesticated animal?
Dog for tracking, then herding After animals become domesticated, they become dependent on man

4 Domestication Most can not survive in wild
Most poultry can not fly, But Why? They are bred for size which makes them incapable of flight. Turkeys Also, some species have their wings clipped at birth Ducks Geese

5 Animal Uses Food Milk Work Medicine & Research Clothing

6 Animal Uses What types of animals are used for meat? Cattle (beef)
Swine (pork) Lamb Goat Poultry

7 Animal Uses Milk-inexpensive source of protein
Produced by dairy cows & goats Cheese, ice cream, yogurt Did you know that over 90% of U.S. milk production comes from the Holstein breed? What is another protein source that is produced by animal? Eggs

8 Animal Uses What are some areas in which we use animals for work?
Cultivate land Transportation Control other animals Assist physically & medically handicapped Blind

9 Animal Uses Medicine & Research Animal Behaviors Genetic tests
Future treatment research

10 Animal Uses Clothing Hides - leather Fibers - wool, mohair

11 Animal Uses Other By-Products Pets
Bone – buttons, glue, mineral supplement for livestock feed (calcium) Fat- chemicals, creams, lubricants, soaps, food

12 What is the future of Animal Science?
Genetic improvements Cloning ?????

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