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Presentation on theme: "CONSTRUCTING A EUROPEAN IDENTITY By Funda Celikel-Esser."— Presentation transcript:


2 IDENTITY is :  All the qualities, beliefs and the ideas that make you feel that you are different from everyone else … ( Oxford Dictionary, 1990 )  not a sense of belongingness and solidarity arising out of a shared world but focused on opposition to an Other ( Delanty, 1995). the identity of something depends upon the existence of something else ( Yurdusev, 2002).  is a mutual interaction of given and acquired identities and the recognition of these identities are dependent on the reciprocal recognition of us and the others ( Yurdusev, 1997 ).

3 Is there a European Identity?


5 WHY DOES THE EU NEED A COMMON IDENTITY?  The agenda shifted to cultural and social aspects  “ If the countries of Europe only unite politically and economically, it is warned a European union in terms of a mutually supportive and social community will not emerge “ ( Walkenhorst, 2004 )  “ Integration cannot be agreed anymore behind the backs of people “( Günter Verhaugen, 2000 )

6  Lowering turnout ratios  Arising illegitimacy belief of the EU Institutions  French “ NON! “, Dutch “ Nee! „ or Luxembourgish “ Petit- oui! “ for Draft Treaty of EU Constitution THE CREATION OF A COLLECTIVE EUROPEAN IDENTITY

7 “ We have made Italy, now we have to make the Italians… „ ( Massimo d`Azeglio, 1861 ) Now we have made the European Union, how are we going to invent Europeans ??????????

8  What is the common ground of differentiation with all the national and sub-national diversities ?  Who is the de facto other?  No common elements like geography, history, language, religion, media, symbols but only “ embedded BANAL EUROPEANISM “!!! OBSTACLES TOWARDS “ MAKING EUROPEANS “

9 European Identity needs time to develop itself naturally however… WE ARE in the fast going train due to :

10 2 Important Projects of the EU in the first decade of 21 st century: 1: LISBON AGENDA “To become the most dynamic and competitive knowledge-based economy in the world capable of sustainable economic growth with more and better jobs and greater social cohesion, and respect for environment. “ Over ambitious Public Consent


12 The possible integration of „ the perfect other „ shifts the identity to the left side of equation…

13  Diversity is growing rapidly  The fear of losing national identity is accelerating paralelly “Trying denying your own roots don't make you more European than a person that values them! “

14 "Come, come again, whoever you are, come! Heathen, fire worshipper or idolatrous, come! Come even if you broke your penitence a hundred times, Ours is the portal of hope, come as you are."

15 THE ULTIMATE EUROPEAN IDENTITY SHOULD BE CONSTRUCTED:  embracing the multiculturalism and including broader symbols like Copenhagen Political Criteria and Lisbon Objectives, which will cover all possibilities and could be made to mean different things to different men.  WE: Those favoring multicultural values for Europe  THE OTHER: Those who do not!

16 HOW? “ … true Europeans will only emerge among future generations of children who have been educated to see the world through a non- nationalistic lens and it is above all through the involvement of such young people that…Europe will assure its future.” ( EU Comm. 2004 )


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