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Gun Control  Gun control has become a controversial issue in American politics  Many Americans feel limiting our right to bear arms will help to stop.

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3 Gun Control  Gun control has become a controversial issue in American politics  Many Americans feel limiting our right to bear arms will help to stop some of the violence.  Other feel we must protect our 2 nd amendment right at all cost.

4 The Views of the Candidates  Candidate #1 supports trigger locks, licensing, & banning some guns  Candidate #2 says, mandatory background checks & child safety locks

5  Candidate #3 does not support the use of examples of heinous crimes to take away 2nd amendment rights.  Candidate #4 says, child- safety locks on guns; concealed carrying ok. The Views of the Candidates

6 How this issue effects us?  This issue effects us because of all the school shootings that have been going on, for example Littletown shooting.  We also don’t want to lose our right to hunt.

7 Polling Students Gun Control Place an “X” in the space next to the views YOU agree with most. ____ 1. Supports Brady Bill & thoughtful gun control. Supports trigger locks, licensing, & banning some guns. ____ 2. Mandatory background checks & child safety locks. Agrees with Bush on banning weapons; but wants registration Nationally mandated, state-run system of photo licensing. Take on the NRA with presidential leadership. Passed toughest gun control in 30 years; same for next 30. Maximize gun control within what’s politically possible. _____ 3. Stop using heinous crimes to take away 2nd amendment rights. Faithfully protects 2nd Amendment, except for felons. Gun laws didn’t stop Littleton shootings. (Jun 1999) _____ 4. Government should pay for voluntary trigger locks. Agrees trigger locks; but wants more enforcement. Project Sentry: juvenile gun laws & school accountability. Would sign, but would not push, gun restrictions. Ban automatic weapons & high- capacity ammunition clips. Information obtained from

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