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Oil and Geopolitics Social Studies 11 K.J. Benoy.

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Presentation on theme: "Oil and Geopolitics Social Studies 11 K.J. Benoy."— Presentation transcript:

1 Oil and Geopolitics Social Studies 11 K.J. Benoy

2 Oil Issues  The Developed World, and the USA in particular, will become increasingly dependent on imported oil & gas.  Economic growth rates and changes in oil recovery may modify this somewhat.

3 Oil Issues  However, demand from the developed world is no longer the over-riding concern it once was.  Demand in Asia is set to become a huge factor – the dominant market by 2010.  China is particularly important and is already bidding against the US for some Central Asian supplies.

4 In the Past the Developed World Dominated Demand

5 Trends Show Asia Will Soon Become the Dominant Consumer


7 The Middle East & Gulf Will Continue to Dominate Oil Supplies

8 Comparative World Oil Reserves By Region

9 The Life of Current Oil Reserves at Present Consumption levels Concerns us all



12 Three Regimes Hostile to US Interests Are Crucial For Meeting World Needs

13 Europe & North America Will Continue to Dominate Gas Use


15 The Middle East & Former Soviet Union Will to Dominate Gas Supplies


17 Gas Uncertainties  Gas production is harder to estimate than oil. – The kinds of reserves vary and their economic usefulness differs. – Central Asian & Iranian reserves are uncertain. – New gas liquids technologies may alter the equation significantly. – Transportation issues are a huge concern. How is this gas to be brought to market. Pipelines will have to go through politically unstable areas – like, possibly, Afghanistan. Even Russian stability is uncertain.

18 Industrialized and Industrializing Nations Are All Concerned With Ensuring Future Supplies  Unrest in the Middle East and Central Asia could threaten our very way of life.  Ensuring continued flow of supplies has been a geopolitical concern since industry shifted from coal to oil and gas around the turn of the 20 th Century.

19 Central Asia  The big players in Central Asia are Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan.  All are landlocked and dependent on shipping supplies through neighbouring countries.

20 US Interests  As the world’s leading consumer & the only real super-power, the US takes a huge interest in the politics of Central Asia & the Middle East.  9-1-1 showed the depth of anti- Americanism in the region – particularly in major supplier Saudi Arabia – home to most of the 9-1-1 terrorists  Iraqi and Iranian hostility also continue.

21 US Interests  Since the early 1990’s the US has maintained bases in Saudi Arabia.  Osama bin Laden & others call it an affront to Islam to have foreign “occupiers” near their holy sites.  The Saudis have asked for these troops to be removed.

22 US Interests  The US also maintains bases in Kuwait, Bahrain, Qatar, Oman and Turkey.  Israel is also a reliable ally in the region – though politically this is a liability in regard to relations with Arab countries.

23 The Iraq Confrontation  It is clear that a friendly regime in Baghdad would be most helpful as American reliance on oil imports increases.  Rebuilding after a war, Iraq would certainly want to build market share at the cost of OPEC nations.  This would drive oil prices down for some time.  Along with Former Soviet supplies, it would force the Saudis to lower prices to try to maintain its share.

24 The Iraq Confrontation  The war that US hawks, like Rumsfeld and Cheney, seem to favour, comes at a risk though.  Saddam Hussein is not liked by his neighbours, but the prospect of an American-British occupation of an Arab country could spark uproar in Jordan, Egypt, Algeria and elsewhere.

25 The Iraq Confrontation  Anti-American feeling is deep in the Arab world as the US is seen as an imperial power.  None of America’s Arab friends are democratic and several are unstable.  Even Pakistan could be destabalized  An Iraq war runs the risk of bringing to power fundamentalist governments in the region – exactly what Osama bin Laden hoped would happen in the post 9-1-1 crisis.

26 The Iraq Confrontation  American & British belligerence is driven by a number of factors: – Hussein’s violation of Gulf War peace terms. – A desire to rid the region of this despot. – The need for secure bases in the region. – The desire to drive down oil prices by marginalizing OPEC. – The belief that military superiority ensures a short conflict with few casualties.

27 Will George Bush Open Pandora’s Box?

28 Bibliography  Arvanitopoulos, Constantine. “The Geopolitics of Oil in Central Asia,” Thesis; Journal of Foreign Policy Issues. Winter, 1998.  Cordesman, Anthony & Sarin Hakatoryan. “The Changing Geopolitics of Energy – Part II,” Center for Strategic and International Studies August 11, 1998.  Roberts, John. “Another War for Oil?” Geopolitics of Energy. Issue 24, November/December, 2002.

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