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Monday html.

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1 Monday html

2 Overview 70-700 CE

3 Oral Torah Rabbinic Judaism In wake of rebellions to Rise of Islam 70 ce to 700 ce.

4 Centre moves Jerusalem destroyed… Yavneh then Babylon. Jews live all over Mediterranean world and Middle East

5 Christianity Begins as a Jewish sect around Jesus of Nazareth as “Messiah” or “Christ” by 2 nd century bce, “Nazarenes” take Gospel to non-Jews Christianity becomes independent –Lingering associations with Judaism.

6 Political changes Palestine / Mediterranean 0- 4 th centuryRomePagan 4 th century RomeChristian 7-8 th centurySouth / East: Islam

7 Political Changes Mesopotamia / Babylonia to 3 rd century: Parthians 3 rd to 7 th centuries Sassanian (Persian) Zoroastrians 7-8 th century Islam

8 Islam Prophet Muhammad 570 to 632 Saw himself as the final prophet of the same God worshipped by Jews and Christians.

9 Rapid Arab expansion 7 th century: Arab Muslims capture considerable territory Many Jews now live under Islamic rule.

10 Rabbinic Judaism Developed 150 bce to 700 ce TALMUD completed about the time of Muhammad.

11 70 to 700 Massive Political Change Massive Religious Change

12 3 religions Islam 620-30’s Christianity 1 st century Rabbinic Judaism 1 st century b

13 Early development of R. Judaism TWO TORAHS Torah that is in Tanakh Oral Torah: Rabbinic teachings.

14 “TANNAIM” Early Oral Torah teachers Tanna – Singular Ca. 150 bce. to second century ce. Influenced by Pharisaic ideas. Bible and Mishnah

15 After 70 c.e. New form of Judaism Without temple On Pharisee / Tannaim model “Oral Torah” collected to preserve teachings offer alternative to temple.

16 Yohanan ben Zakkai Pharisaic teacher Made peace with Rome Gathered surviving Jewish scholars after 70 ce.

17 Yavneh / Jamnia New Centre of Jewish learning.

18 Tannaim “Repeaters” of Torah tradition.

19 New Scholars “Rabbis” Preserve –Old traditions –Memories of temple –Teachings of great scholars

20 Ben Zakkai: Yavneh is equal to Jerusalem. Temple rites now symbolized in new rites in Yavnah

21 Scripture Increased accent on Scripture / Study Temple holiness transferred to individual.

22 Synagogues Assume new role Surrogate Temple –Shofar

23 Yavneh Sanhedrin New Leadership Innovation and Tradition

24 No alternative “Old” form of Judaism beyond recovery. No temple Diaspora life for almost all Jews.

25 132-135 bce Second rebellion Attempt to rebuild temple results in disastrous war. Simon Bar Kokhba Claims priesthood “Messiah”

26 Oral Torah Basis of new Judaism alongside Tanakh Oral Torah is Written down

27 TANNAIM Rabbi Akiba Judah HaNasi Judah compiled the writings & teachings of Akiba and others.

28 MISHNAH First major text of the Oral Torah. 170-220 bce Judah HaNasi.

29 Love / justice, not offerings Hosea 6:6 Micah 6:6-8 Psalm 51:16-17

30 Teachers, not priests Rabbi, –by education and ordination, not birth –Remembered as “sages”

31 Diaspora Alexandria Babylon Contact with Sanhedrin.

32 Midrash = traditions attached to Bible Mishnah = independent

33 Mishnah: “Repetition” “Memorized” Major part of ORAL TORAH Written in land of Israel

34 Mishnah Late 2 nd Cent. early 3 rd. –6 “ORDERS” –63 “TRACTATES” Chapters Sections “Mishnah”


36 Legitimization God  Moses  …  Sages  Hillel + Shammai  J. b. Zakkai

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