Soil Mineralogy and Chemistry Lecture 4. Phyllosilicate Minerals.

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Presentation on theme: "Soil Mineralogy and Chemistry Lecture 4. Phyllosilicate Minerals."— Presentation transcript:

1 Soil Mineralogy and Chemistry Lecture 4


3 Phyllosilicate Minerals

4 tet oct tet oct tet oct tet oct tet oct trioctahedraldioctahedral octahedra 1:1 2:1 T:O (class) brucite gibbsite serpentine kaolinite pyrophyllite talc Phyllosilicates, NO layer charge

5 Building of Tetrahedral Sheets * Linked SiO 4 tetrahedra

6 SiO 4 Tetrahedron

7 x y z

8 Si 6 O 18

9 Linking Rings to Form Tetrahedral Sheets

10 Tetrahedral Sheet Si:O 2:5

11 Building of Octahedral Sheets

12 Al(OH) 6 or Mg (OH) 6 Octahedra OH


14 Octahedral Sheet OH

15 A Georgian Ultisol

16 Octahedral-Tetrahedral Linkage

17 Sharing of Apical Oxygens in Tetrahdral Sheet with Hydroxyls of Octahedral Sheet Serpentine (1:1 trioctahedral mineral) tet oct

18 Sharing of Apical Oxygens in Tetrahdral Sheet with Hydroxyls of Two Octahedral Sheets tet oct tet Talc (2:1 trioctahedral mineral)

19 tet oct Short hand, Block notation Short-hand Symbols

20 tet oct tet oct tet oct tet oct tet oct trioctahedraldioctahedral octahedra 1:1 2:1 T:O (class) brucite gibbsite serpentine kaolinite pyrophyllite talc Phyllosilicates, NO layer charge

21 Isomorphic Substitution  permanent (layer) charge Charge Development

22 Al 3+, Fe 3+ Si 4+ tet oct Mg 2+ Al 3+ Isomorphic Substitution

23 -------------- -------------- ++++++++++++++ -------------- -------------- ++++++++++++ Isomorphic substitution NET Charge 0 -2

24 Terminal Bonds  pH-dependent charge (ionizable functional groups) Charge Development

25 terminal bonds Terminal Bonds

26 Terminal Bonds: Ionizable Functional Groups Al-OH 2 +  Al-OH o + H +  Al-O - + H + Al O High pH Low pH -pH-dependent charge - edges of phyllosilicates; all surface on Fe- and Al-oxides

27 tet oct tet oct tet K+K+ K+K+ K+K+ Phyllosilicates: 2:1 with layer charge micas 1 unit of (-) layer charge per formula unit tet oct tet oct tet K+K+ H2OH2O Ca 2+ H2OH2O H2OH2O < 1 unit of (-) layer charge per formula unit 2:1 clay minerals


29 Swelling Potential?

30 Structure d-spacing Interlayer Status: d-spacing (and mica) K+K+

31 CEC cmol/Kg Properties of Clay Minerals

32 Western GA Ultisol Kaolin and Oxide Rich Soil Accessory Minerals

33 Smectite Soil NE Montana Vertisol Hawaiian Oxisol Iron and Al-oxide Rich ?


35 Young, weakly weathered soils = fine-grained mica, chlorite, vermiculite (Entisol, Inceptisol) Intermediate weathering = vermiculite, smectite, kaolinite (Mollisol, Alfisol, Ultisol) Strong weathering = kaolinite, hydrous oxides (Ultisol--> Oxisol) Clay mineralogy reflects weathering processes Micas  Vermiculite  Smectite  Kaolinite  Al,Fe-Oxides

36 Mol Alf Ult E/I

37 Organic Matter - reactive functional groups: carboxyl, hydroxyl, phenolic * Humus, Humic Acid, Fulvic Acid

38 + Flocculation (chemical) Aggregation Flocculation and Aggregation (organic gluing)

39 Organic Matter Promoted Aggregation

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