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Prepared By Prof Alvin So1 SOSC 188 Lecture 20 The Future of the Globalization Project.

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Presentation on theme: "Prepared By Prof Alvin So1 SOSC 188 Lecture 20 The Future of the Globalization Project."— Presentation transcript:

1 Prepared By Prof Alvin So1 SOSC 188 Lecture 20 The Future of the Globalization Project

2 Prepared By Prof Alvin So2 Corporate-led Globalization Project: Characteristics The decline of the nation-state: Nation-state boundary is no longer crucial: A borderless economy State is downsized and state regulations is no longer effective The hegemony and the dis-embeddedness of the market Market norm penetrates into the state and society

3 Prepared By Prof Alvin So3 Assumptions Globalization is Universal, can’t be resisted, and no alternatives: Towards global economy, global citizen, global culture, global government

4 Prepared By Prof Alvin So4 Challenges to Globalization Islamic fundamentalism, environmentalism, localization, anti-WTO protests The anti-globalization front: attempt to re- embedded the market From the left: workers, farmers, environmentalists, the minorities From the right: the conservatives, the religious, the nationalists

5 Prepared By Prof Alvin So5 The Future of Globalization: Possible Scenarios? Retreat to the national and local level Growing state conflict, the strengthening of the borders and fragmentation of the world From globalization to “empire” after 9-11? Return to the old colonialism, militarism, and war The decline of the US Changing center? The East (Asia) becomes the new center of global economy?

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