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Managing Your Timber Sale Advice for landowners before logging.

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Presentation on theme: "Managing Your Timber Sale Advice for landowners before logging."— Presentation transcript:

1 Managing Your Timber Sale Advice for landowners before logging


3 What’s a Fair Share for the Owner?  Understanding log markets and the jargon  C,K, and J sorts, camp run  Pulp wood, chip ‘n saw  Log scaling and weight scale  What should a logging job cost?

4 Understanding Log Markets

5  Log prices fluctuate  Log market contacts are important  Perceptions of log quality vary   Know what you have in order to evaluate harvest timing and target purchasers

6 Log Markets: Sources of Data

7 The Jargon  Bureau grades: peeler, SM, 2S, 3S, 4S  Export Sorts: Japan, China, Korea, others  Domestic Sorts: Camp run, chip ‘n saw, diameter/length breaks, oversize logs

8 Log Sorts: Peeler

9 Log Sorts: Japan

10 Log Sorts: Korea

11 Log Sorts: Chip-and-Saw

12 Log Sorts: Alder Sawlogs

13 The Jargon: Sorts Revisited

14 A final word about log exports  Source: April 2002 report by James Stevens, Campbell Group LLC

15 Log Scaling and Weight Scale  Roll-out scale

16 Log Scaling and Weight Scale  Roll-out scale  Puget Sound Log Scaling and Grading Bureau 1969 Rule Book “Independent” 3 rd party measuring  Mill scale  Ton wood  Weight sampling

17 What Should a Logging Job Cost ?  What is a “logging job”?  Extras Clearing debris and pulling stumps Burning piles Capital improvements Road maintenance and abandonment Permitting, engineering, surveying Marketing services Harvest administration Reforestation

18 Logging Cost Factors  Logging systems  Timber size and quality  Road access  Distance to market

19 More Cost Factors  Harvest volume  Silvicultural system  Neighbor concerns  Contract terms (“Extras”)

20 What Should a Logging Job Cost ?  What is the magic “% split”? There isn’t one: logging costs commonly range from 20-70 % of gross WDOR uses the figure 35 % of gross when no records are available


22 Presented by: John D. Gold, Principal John Gold & Co., Consulting Foresters 619 Commercial Avenue Suite 25 Anacortes, WA 98221 360/

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