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Unit 4: What is Matter Made of?

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1 Unit 4: What is Matter Made of?

2 Matter Chemical Elements Atoms Combining Combining Pure Substances
Gold, Aluminium made up Chemical Elements Atoms Combining Combining Pure Substances Molecules or Groupings of atoms made up Chemical Compounds Water, Carbon Dioxide Matter Homogeneus Mixtures Air, Milk Mixtures Heterogeneus Mixtures Rock salt (rock + salt)

3 Chemical Elements They contain only one type of atom.
There are about 100 different elements. The periodic table is a helpful way of showing all the elements. Chemical Elements Each element has a symbol which can be used to identify it. Example: Carbon – C

4 Compounds They have been formed from the
atoms of two (or more) elements. Compounds Each compound has a formula. Example: Sodium Chloride – HCl

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