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Single Category Classification Stage One Additive Weighted Prototype Model.

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Presentation on theme: "Single Category Classification Stage One Additive Weighted Prototype Model."— Presentation transcript:

1 Single Category Classification Stage One Additive Weighted Prototype Model

2 Create Prototype From Training Items 3 Categories - A B C Calculate weights for Features in each Dimension Create Prototypes for each Category

3 Prototype For Category A

4 Prototype For Category B

5 Prototype For Category C

6 Correlation of Prototype & Participant Classification For Category A

7 Correlation of Prototype & Participant Classification For Category B

8 Correlation of Prototype & Participant Classification For Category C

9 Conjunctions Stage Two Independent Approach To Conjunctions

10 Create Prototype From Training Items 3 Conjunctions - A&B, A&C, B&C Combine Category Scores using Function Product (A*B)

11 Correlation of Prototype & Participant Classification For Category A&B

12 Correlation of Prototype & Participant Classification For Category A&C

13 Correlation of Prototype & Participant Classification For Category B&C

14 Apply Prototype To Test Items Correlation = 0.601386853

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