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HiT – Higgs and Top (Thursday, June 22, 2000) 1.News - Boaz/Meenakshi 2.Trigger Simulator Status – who?? 3.Proposal for a HiT workshop – Meenakshi/Boaz.

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Presentation on theme: "HiT – Higgs and Top (Thursday, June 22, 2000) 1.News - Boaz/Meenakshi 2.Trigger Simulator Status – who?? 3.Proposal for a HiT workshop – Meenakshi/Boaz."— Presentation transcript:

1 HiT – Higgs and Top (Thursday, June 22, 2000) 1.News - Boaz/Meenakshi 2.Trigger Simulator Status – who?? 3.Proposal for a HiT workshop – Meenakshi/Boaz 4.Reports regarding the two selected analyses: 1. Monte Carlo 2. Triggers 3. Event Access and Selection 4. Jets 5. Electrons 6. Muons 7. Tau 8. Missing Energy 9. b-tagging 10. Calibration 5.What’s next?

2 Trigger: Talking points Trigger –  At Level1, Level2, Level3  What are the trigger terms?  What are the rates ?  What is the signal efficiency?  In which stream the data will be available?  What is the state of the trigger simulator code?  How far can you run the package to get a rate/efficiencies?  What data samples are needed to get the rates/eff. How many of each is needed?  What’s the status of MC simulation for these signal and background events?  How many events are currently available ?

3 Event Selection: Talking points Offline Event Selection –  What are the objects available in the data?  Which type of algorithms will be available as default?  What needs to be available to rerun a given algorithm or a different one?  What are the topological variable available for event selection?  Are they in some Chunk or we need to develop code to access it…?  What information we need to have in the various levels of data storage formats for ease of event selection?  In which stream the data will be available?

4 Object – ID : Talking Points Object ID–  What are the various reconstruction/id techniques  Which ones are suited for top/Higgs?  Is this the default method?  Is the technique on a solid footing?  How much work needs to be done?  Which packages does this reside in  What information do the Chunks contain?  Is there something missing which could be useful for our analyses?  How well does the simulation work for these objects  Electrons/muons are too clean… no noise…?  b-fragmentation models?  Herwig vs Pythia vs isajet and other generators…  Efficiency  Fake rates

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