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Creating Web Pages on OZ Cathie LeBlanc and Evelyn Stiller Department of Computer Science your machine in your office OZ jsmith estiller cbrown zshen wtaffe.

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Presentation on theme: "Creating Web Pages on OZ Cathie LeBlanc and Evelyn Stiller Department of Computer Science your machine in your office OZ jsmith estiller cbrown zshen wtaffe."— Presentation transcript:

1 Creating Web Pages on OZ Cathie LeBlanc and Evelyn Stiller Department of Computer Science your machine in your office OZ jsmith estiller cbrown zshen wtaffe cleblancpdrexel Home home.html

2 What to put on web pages? Information for your students –syllabus –class information (assignments, etc.) –contact information –class-related links –examples of student work Interaction for your students –quizzes –chats –practice exercises –simulations

3 Web page style guide Don’t make your pages really long –use tables and table of contents if page is going to be long –more than two screenfuls is difficult to manage Always include a link back to your main home page Always include the date on which the page was last changed Try to highlight really important information –use a different color or blinking text (sparingly) or just put the word NEW next to most recent stuff

4 1.Start Netscape Communicator 2.Under menu item Communicator, select Composer

5 3)Start typing information you wish to have on your web page 4)Format it as desired as you would a word-processing document 5)Change the font-size, color, alignment, etc.

6 6) Change “Plymouth State College” into a link. 7) Enter the web address of PSC’s web page in quotes: “”

7 8) Add an image stored on your computer by browsing. Note: File formats gif and jpg will work but not bmp.

8 9) Verify that the image appears in Composer and center the image. Make sure your cursor is positioned where you wish the image to appear.

9 10)Select a few categories of information you wish to share. 11)Place cursor where text should appear. Align left and type.

10 12) Select your new text and change it into a bulleted list:

11 13) Add a horizontal line to separate the content of your web page. Make sure you move your cursor to where the line should appear before pressing the H. line button.

12 14) Add a target marker after the horizontal line, and assign a name to it. 15) Now add content related to your first category of information. (Class syllabi in this case).

13 16) Create a link between your first bullet and its content by first selecting the bulleted item and pressing the link button. 17) Simply select the predefined target by clicking on its name.

14 18) Link your syllabus entries to a separate file, by selecting the appropriate text and pressing the link button. 19) Type the name of the file containing the course syllabus here. Make note of this name, because we will create this file later.

15 20) Preview your web page. All links should work except for your syllabus link. Test your links.

16 21) Publish your web page. Give it a title and name the file home.html. 22) You must enter your oz password here. Note: the file name must be home.html only for your main web page file.

17 This warning is telling us that we have not yet created our syllabus file. That is OK for now. This is the standard security warning. Also OK. This is letting us know that our home.html file and our image file have been successfully up loaded. 23) Now you can test your home page. The sample web page can be viewed at:

18 24) Create your syllabus by creating a new web page. 25) When you publish, change the name to your previously selected file name in step 19.

19 What to do in the event something doesn’t work Note the term, permission and the correct file name. Call ITS and request help with setting the permissions for your web page.

20 Although this error message also uses the term, permission, it does not reference home.html. You may have saved your file in the wrong place. Check your Home folder in your oz account or call ITS. Also, your Home folder may have the wrong permissions.

21 Checking your oz account Home folder on a windows machine. Select your M drive and double click the Home folder. Then scroll until you find home.html

22 If you do not have a Home folder, you will get this message when you try to publish your web page, and this message from Netscape.

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