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Living the SIMPLE SIP way SIP 2003 Paris, January 2003 Jörgen Björkner VP Concept Development Chairman SIP Forum

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Presentation on theme: "Living the SIMPLE SIP way SIP 2003 Paris, January 2003 Jörgen Björkner VP Concept Development Chairman SIP Forum"— Presentation transcript:

1 Living the SIMPLE SIP way SIP 2003 Paris, January 2003 Jörgen Björkner VP Concept Development Chairman SIP Forum

2 Time to move forward Sweden June 31 2002: –84% Mobile phone penetration –63% Fixed line subscriptions incl. corporate lines Why fixed phone line? –households ages 16-25 8% have only mobile phone 26% broadband Internet access (cable TV, ADSL, Ethernet to home) Internet Access pace maker for fixed telephony Broadband access revenue 22% of fixed phone access revenue Source: Swedish Post and Telecom Agency (available in English)

3 Will SIP Survive? VoIP = Fixed Phone = Dead NOT Dead = Alive Internet services = Alive SIP = Internet Service AND NOT VoIP = 2*Alive

4 SIP Internet Communication services Mobility –Access service from anything anywhere on the Internet Presence –Enabler of communication Instant messaging Voice –Better than PSTN quality Video Collaboration Interactive Sessions

5 SIP network cookbook DNS Server Entry SIP Server Presence Server Mobile Phone PC Typical User Internet PSTN/GSM Internet Access SIP Phone Soft phone Voice Gateway SMS Gateway Hosted Services

6 Real examples My personal SIP usage the last 2 years...

7 Communication tools PC with SIP & SIMPLE client GSM Phone Mail client SIP Phone

8 Incoming call to fixed phone number -forking DNS Server Entry SIP Server Presence Server Mobile Phone PC Typical User Internet PSTN/GSM Internet Access SIP Phone Soft phone Voice Gateway SMS Gateway +46 8 454 05 05

9 Incoming call

10 Presence based call routing DNS Server Entry SIP Server Presence Server Internet Voice Gateway Voice Mail

11 Place a call

12 Security and NAT traversal SIP aware NAT/Firewall/ADSL modem Client implements SIP NAT traversal extensions and STUN Need of media proxies to deal with symmetrical NATs –TURN like approach

13 Incoming instant messages Presence based routing –To PC if present –To Mobile if not present on PC

14 QoS Experience No problems experienced over Internet Access link may be bottleneck IP-IP calls better than PSTN! –8 kHz voice bandwidth compared to PSTN 3 kHz



17 Conclusion It is not about fixed voice line replication SIP will survive –Works today SIP Communication services makes sense to bundle with broadband Internet access –New revenue stream Similar set up as email service for service provider SIP voice not degraded by peer-peer movie congesters in networks without QoS Gives mobility access to multimedia communication services similar to email access

18 Thank You! Any questions? Jörgen Björkner VP Concept Development Hotsip Web: Sip/mail: -12 Stockholm February 24-28, 2003 Hosted by Hotsip Sponsors:

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