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Network Design IS250 Spring 2010 John Chuang. 2 Questions  What does the Internet look like? -Why do we care?  Are there any structural invariants?

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Presentation on theme: "Network Design IS250 Spring 2010 John Chuang. 2 Questions  What does the Internet look like? -Why do we care?  Are there any structural invariants?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Network Design IS250 Spring 2010 John Chuang

2 2 Questions  What does the Internet look like? -Why do we care?  Are there any structural invariants?  Can we develop models of network formation and growth?

3 John Chuang3 What does the Internet Look Like?

4 John Chuang4 What does the Internet Look Like? Full Internet map (Router Level) as of 18 Feb 1999 99664 edges, 88107 nodes (42443 leaves) Burch and Cheswick

5 John Chuang5 Why do we care?  Top-down topology design of 1969 replaced by bottom-up evolution of modern Internet -The Internet and the WWW are probably the only engineered systems whose structures are unknown to their designers  Performance of network protocols and algorithms dependent on underlying topology -Researchers and engineers need realistic models of network topology to calibrate/validate their design

6 John Chuang6 Personal Example  Chuang-Sirbu Scaling Law (1998) -Normalized multicast tree cost scales with number of receivers at an exponent of 0.8 L m /L u = N k

7 John Chuang7 Topologies to Use  Get topologies of real networks  Generate synthetic graphs Erdos-Renyi Random Graph

8 John Chuang8 Faloutsos, Faloutsos, Faloutsos (1999)  Power Law observed in degree distribution of Internet topology -Many low-degree nodes, few high-degree nodes log(d v ) log(r v ) Y=a*X b

9 John Chuang9 Power Law Networks  Engineered systems -Internet (Faloutsos et al. 1999) -WWW (Lawrence & Giles 1998, Broder et al. 2000, Kleinberg & Lawrence 2001) -Electric power grid (Watts & Strogatz 1998)  Biological systems -neural network of Caenorhabditis elegans (Watts and Strogatz 1998)  Social networks -Scientific publication citation (Redner 1998) -actor collaboration (Barabasi and Albert 2002)

10 John Chuang10 Node Degree Distribution isn’t Everything  Li, Alderson, Willinger, Doyle. A First-Principles Approach to Understanding the Internet’s Router-level Topology (2004)

11 John Chuang11 The Internet is not Random!  Okay, so the Internet cannot be modeled as a random graph -Erdos-Renyi random graphs do not exhibit power law  What other structural invariants might there be? -We know that the Internet has small diameter, and also high degree of local clustering…

12 John Chuang12 Small World Networks  Watts-Strogatz Small World Model -High degree of clustering -Small diameter -But no power-law degree distribution

13 John Chuang13 Barabasi-Albert Model  Incremental Growth and Preferential Attachment -Probability of receiving new edge dependent on current degree  Properties -Small diameter -Power law degree distribution -But no clustering

14 John Chuang14 Other Models  HOT: Highly Optimized Tolerance (Carlson & Doyle, 1999) -Design based on explicit optimization of performance metrics, yet still exhibiting power laws  Jellyfish (Siganos, Tauro, Faloutsos, 2004) -Incorporates hierarchical nature of Internet

15 Do we still have time? No -- Time for Course Eval Yes -- A paradox just for fun

16 John Chuang16 Braess’ Paradox (Selfish Routing and the Price of Anarchy)  Initial Network  Delay = 1.5 x x 1 1 x x 1 1 0  Improved Network  Delay = 2 See for real world examples!

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