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Theology Resources, Methods and Interpretation Library Workshop 2 Suzie Kitchin and Christine Purcell November 2008.

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Presentation on theme: "Theology Resources, Methods and Interpretation Library Workshop 2 Suzie Kitchin and Christine Purcell November 2008."— Presentation transcript:

1 Theology Resources, Methods and Interpretation Library Workshop 2 Suzie Kitchin and Christine Purcell November 2008

2 By the end of this session you should be able to… Know how to keep up-to-date with developments in your field Locate information on theses from Durham and other universities Locate and read full text of newspaper articles Conduct effective web searching

3 Theology subject pages  Information skills (searching advice)  Theses  News and news archives  E-print archives  Subject gateways

4 Keeping up-to-date Library catalogue  New books  RSS feeds  Your reading history Journal table of contents alerts  Eg, ZETOCZETOC E-print archives

5 Theses and dissertations Library Catalogue or via subject page  Index to Theses Proquest Digital Dissertations

6 News and news archives Infotrac Nexis UK Times Digital Archive 1785-1985

7 Effective web searching  gateways/ gateways/  Intute Internet for religious studies Internet Detective

8 Before you go… Please complete the online evaluation form before logging off your PC (link is Library home page | Subject Information | Theology | Information skills)

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