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Introduction to Computer Science Fall 2003, 劉震昌 Ref: Computer Science: an overview J. Glenn Brookshear.

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Presentation on theme: "Introduction to Computer Science Fall 2003, 劉震昌 Ref: Computer Science: an overview J. Glenn Brookshear."— Presentation transcript:

1 Introduction to Computer Science Fall 2003, 劉震昌 Ref: Computer Science: an overview J. Glenn Brookshear

2 Outline Concept of computers Computer software: algorithm Computer hardware: algorithmic machine Turing Machine 5 major components of computers

3 Computers ? Hardware Software Package (Executable) Source Program #include main(){ … }

4 CSIE class schedule Hardware Operation System Application Program High level Low level 資網 C 程設 C++ Java 資演 (1) 資演 (2) 邏設 電路 微算機計組 數電 作業系統 系統程式 網路 資料庫

5 Computer software: Algorithm 演算法 Computers are machines to execute Algorithm Fundamental concept of CS Def. 1: a set of steps that defines how a task is performed Def. 2: an ordered set of unambiguous, executable steps that defines a terminating activity

6 Albert Baker Algorithm: example Sorting: sort the cards from top to down in alphabetical order Charlie 排序

7 Algorithm: sort (cont.) Albert Baker Charlie input Albert Baker Charlie After Step 1 Charlie Baker Albert After Step 2 Charlie Albert Baker After Step 3

8 Algorithm: sort (cont.) Input: 3 cards in arbitrary order 1.Compare the names on the first and second cards. Exchange them if they are out of order. 2. Compare the names on the second and third cards. Exchange them if they are out of order. 3. Compare the names on the first and second cards. Exchange them if they are out of order. Output: 3 cards in alphabetical order

9 Properties of algorithms Goal: find a single set of directions that describe how any problem could be solved Algorithm = Programs within computers The intelligence required to perform the task is encoded in the algorithm

10 Computers hardware? Concept of algorithm appeared first Computers are designed to implement algorithms Computers 電腦 are not smart themselves … +

11 Development of Algorithmic Machines Algorithmic machines: machines that perform algorithm tasks Abacus( 算盤 ): ancient Greek and Roman Blaise Pascal(1623- 1662), France

12 Development of Algorithmic Machines (cont.) Charles Babbage(1792- 1871), England Herman Hollerith 解多項式 打孔機

13 1st generation computer 1940 ENIAC 真空管

14 2nd generation computer 1959 電晶體

15 3rd generation computer 1965 IC ( 積體電路 )

16 4th generation computer 1971 VLSI ( 超大積體電路 )

17 Turing machines The abstract model of general-purpose algorithmic machines 1936 by Alan M. Turing You will learn more in the class of automata and formal language 自動機與形式語言

18 Turing machines (cont.) Control unit tape read/write head … … symbols state of the machines Components of a Turing machine

19 Turing machines (cont.) Prototype of today ’ s computer Control unit -> CPU States -> registers Tape cells -> memory Symbols -> 0 and 1 The power of Turing machine If a problem cannot be solved by a Turing machine, then it cannot be solved by any algorithmic system

20 John von Neumann machine In early computing machines, the programs were built as part of the machine Store-program concept Program, just like data, can be coded and stored in main memory Control unit extracts the program from memory, decodes the instructions, and executes them Some data(bit patterns) were interpreted as instructions -> machine language

21 Outline Concept of computers Computer software: algorithm Computer hardware: algorithmic machine Turing Machine 5 major components of computers

22 Computer hardware Central processing unit memory Input devices Output devices Auxiliary memory Peripherals 週邊 Bus: for data transmission

23 CPU (central processing unit) Carry out the instructions in the program CPU ALU Control unit registers ALU: arithmetic/logic unit

24 CPU – control unit Instruction fetch Instruction decoding Instruction execution Memory read/write time Instruction cycle

25 Memory Main memory RAM(random access memory) Fast Volatile 揮發 Auxiliary memory Secondary storage Slower Permanent Ex. Hard Disk, CD-ROM

26 I/O devices Input devices Keyboard, mouse, … Output devices Display, printer, …

27 Overview of computer systems Hardware machines MS Windows Unix Linux Operation system shelldesktopdos User Interface applications machine language assembly language High-level language compiler assembler software

28 Operating system (OS) The program that supervises the execution of other programs Program loading: control is returned to OS when program terminates Control of peripherals: device drivers Data management: file system Concurrency or multi-user User friendly interface System calls Security

29 Purpose of this class Hardware machines MS Windows Unix Linux Operation system shelldesktopdos User Interface applications machine language High-level language compiler software assembly language assembler

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