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Genetics *transmission of traits – heredity *variation *genetics.

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Presentation on theme: "Genetics *transmission of traits – heredity *variation *genetics."— Presentation transcript:

1 Genetics *transmission of traits – heredity *variation *genetics

2 Two main hypotheses on how traits were transmitted: *blending inheritance *particulate inheritance Gregor Johann Mendel 1822-1884 The father of transmission genetics:

3 Mendel tracked heritable characters for three generations *P - parental generation *F 1 – first filial generation *F 2 – second filial generation -Example: X TallDwarf P F 1 – all Tall Tall F2F2

4 Mendel’s hypotheses (to explain his results) *genes and alleles 1. Alternative versions of genes (alleles) account for variation in inherited characters 2. For each character, an organism inherits two alleles, one from each parent

5 3. If two alleles differ, one is dominant, the other recessive X TallDwarf P: DD dd F 1 – all Tall Tall Dd 4. The two alleles for each character segregate (separate) during gamete production. Mendel’s Law of Segregation

6 Punnett Square predicts the results of a genetic cross between individuals of known genotype Ddd TallDwarf P: DD dd X Gamete formation: D *genotype *phenotype *Homozygous *Heterozygous

7 Mendel’s Law of Independent Assortment *What happened when he looked at two characters? If they segregate together:If they segregate independently:


9 Dihybrid cross- A genetic cross between two individuals involving two characters F1F1 All yellow, round GGWWggww Example: P1P1 yellow, roundgreen, wrinkled X Punnett square and the law of independent assortment: GW GW gw GgWw

10 F1F1 All yellow, round GgWw F1F1 All yellow, round GgWw X F2F2 9/16 yellow, round 3/16 yellow, wrinkled 3/16 green, round 1/16 green, wrinkled Punnett square and the law of independent assortment: GW Gw gW gw gW GW gw Gw 9:3:3:1 Phenotypic ratio; Genotypic ratio as follows: 1/16 GGWW, 2/16 GGWw, 2/16 GgWW, 4/16 GgWw 1/16 GGww, 2/16 Ggww 1/16 ggWw, 2/16 ggWw 1/16 ggww

11 Mendelian inheritance is based on probability Example- coin toss *1/2 chance landing heads *Each toss is an independent event *Coin toss, just like the distribution of alleles into gametes *The rule of multiplication – determines the chance that two or more independent events will occur together ½ x ½ = ¼

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