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Prestack Migration Deconvolution Jianxing Hu and Gerard T. Schuster University of Utah.

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Presentation on theme: "Prestack Migration Deconvolution Jianxing Hu and Gerard T. Schuster University of Utah."— Presentation transcript:

1 Prestack Migration Deconvolution Jianxing Hu and Gerard T. Schuster University of Utah

2 Outline MotivationMotivation MethodologyMethodology Numerical TestsNumerical Tests ConclusionsConclusions

3 Comparison of Poststack MD Depth Slices 6 8 Y (km) Y (km) X (km) X (km)4 8 6 10 10 Kirchhoff Image Kirchhoff Image MD Image MD Image 6 8 Y (km) Y (km) X (km) X (km)4 8 6 10 10

4 Comparison of Prestack Migration and MD Images X (km) X (km) 4 6 8 10 10 1 4 Depth (km) Depth (km) X (km) X (km) 4 6 8 10 10 1 4 Depth (km) Depth (km) Prestack Kirchhoff Migration Image of Prestack Kirchhoff Migration Image of a North Sea Data Set a North Sea Data Set MD Image

5 Outline MotivationMotivation MethodologyMethodology Numerical TestsNumerical Tests ConclusionsConclusions

6 Modeling and Migration Seismic data Reflectivity Green’s Function Model Space Migrated Image Data Space Seismic Data Forward Modeling: Migration: Wavelet

7 Model Space Where: Denote as the migration Green’s Function Relation of Migrated Image and Reflectivity Distribution Relation of Migrated Image and Reflectivity Distribution Data Space

8 Reflectivity Modulated by Migration Green’s Function Model Space

9 Migration Deconvolution Model Space Model Space --- reference position of migration Green’s function

10 Lateral Velocity Variation Multi-Reference migration Green’s function Subdivide the migration image area and use multi- reference migration Green’s function to account for lateral velocity variation and far-field artifacts

11 Methodology Calculate migration Green’s function Recording geometry & migrated image dimension Velocity Model + Traveltime Table Migration Green’s function

12 Methodology Apply migration deconvolution filter to the stacked prestack migration image 5 Offset(km) 6 5 1 2 3 Depth (km) RTM Migration Image Deconvolved Image Deconvolved Image Pseudo-Convolution Offset(km) 6 5 1 2 3 Depth (km) RTM

13 Difference between Poststack MD and Prestack MD Zero-offset trace location & migrated image dimension Velocity Model Traveltime Table migration Poststack migration Green’s function Green’s function + migration Prestack migration Green’s function Green’s function Recording Geometry & migrated image dimension +

14 Outline MotivationMotivation MethodologyMethodology Numerical TestsNumerical Tests ConclusionsConclusions

15 Numerical Tests 3-D point scatterer model3-D point scatterer model 3-D meandering stream model3-D meandering stream model 2-D SEG/EAGE overthrust model2-D SEG/EAGE overthrust model 2-D Husky data set (Canadian Foothills)2-D Husky data set (Canadian Foothills) 3-D SEG/EAGE salt model3-D SEG/EAGE salt model 3-D West Texas data set3-D West Texas data set

16 5 X 5 Sources; 21 X 21 Receivers (0, 0) (1km, 0) (1km, 1km) (0, 1km) Point scatterer Recording Geometry Wavelet frequency 50 Hz

17 Prestack KM vs. Prestack MD Y X Y X Y X Y X

18 Prestack KM vs. Poststack MD Y X Y X Y X Y X

19 Numerical Tests 3-D point scatterer model3-D point scatterer model 3-D meandering stream model3-D meandering stream model 2-D SEG/EAGE overthrust model2-D SEG/EAGE overthrust model 2-D Husky data set (Canadian Foothills)2-D Husky data set (Canadian Foothills) 3-D SEG/EAGE salt model3-D SEG/EAGE salt model 3-D West Texas data set3-D West Texas data set

20 (0, 0) (1 km, 0) (1 km,1 km) (0, 1 km) A river channel Recording Geometry 5 X 5 Sources; 21 X 21 Receivers Wavelet frequency 50 Hz

21 Meandering River Model 01000 X (m) 0 1000 Y (m)

22 Kirchhoff Migration Image 01000 X (m) 0 1000 Y (m)

23 MD Image 01000 X (m) 0 1000 Y (m)

24 Numerical Tests 3-D point scatterer model3-D point scatterer model 3-D meandering stream model3-D meandering stream model 2-D SEG/EAGE overthrust model2-D SEG/EAGE overthrust model 2-D Husky data set (Canadian Foothills)2-D Husky data set (Canadian Foothills) 3-D SEG/EAGE salt model3-D SEG/EAGE salt model 3-D West Texas data set3-D West Texas data set

25 Prestack Migration Image Prestack Migration Image Deconvolved Migration Image Deconvolved Migration Image 0 km 20 km 20 km 0 km 4 km 20 km 0 km 0 km 0 km 4 km X(km) Depth (km)

26 Zoom View of KM and MD Prestack KM Prestack MD 2 4 3 Depth (km) 37 X (km) 2 4 3 Depth (km) 37 X (km)

27 Numerical Tests 3-D point scatterer model3-D point scatterer model 3-D meandering stream model3-D meandering stream model 2-D SEG/EAGE overthrust model2-D SEG/EAGE overthrust model 2-D Husky data set (Canadian Foothills)2-D Husky data set (Canadian Foothills) 3-D SEG/EAGE salt model3-D SEG/EAGE salt model 3-D West Texas data set3-D West Texas data set

28 Husky Prestack Migration Image 4 6X(km)0 0 10 5 2 Depth (km)

29 Velocity Model for Husky Data 6X(km)0 0 10 5 2 Depth (km) 7000 3200 Velocity (m/s)

30 MD with 20 reference positions 6X(km)0 0 10 5 2 Depth (km) A

31 KM X(km) 95 1 3 Depth (km) MD X(km)95 1 3 Depth (km)

32 MD with 20 reference positions 6X(km)0 0 10 5 2 Depth (km) B

33 KM X(km) 1411 1 3 Depth (km) MD X(km)1411 1 3 Depth (km)

34 MD with 20 reference positions 6X(km)0 0 10 5 2 Depth (km) C

35 KM X(km)1410 2 5 Depth (km) MD X(km)1410 2 5 Depth (km)

36 Numerical Tests 3-D point scatterer model3-D point scatterer model 3-D meandering stream model3-D meandering stream model 2-D SEG/EAGE overthrust model2-D SEG/EAGE overthrust model 2-D Husky data set2-D Husky data set 3-D SEG/EAGE salt model3-D SEG/EAGE salt model 3-D West Texas data set3-D West Texas data set

37 KM Inline (97,Y) Section MD Inline (97,Y) Section 58 Y (km) 58 0 4 2 04 2 Depth (km)

38 KM Crossline (X,97) Section MD Crossline (X,97) Section 04 2 Depth (km) 118 X (km) 118 X (km) 04 2

39 Numerical Tests 3-D point scatterer model3-D point scatterer model 3-D meandering stream model3-D meandering stream model 2-D SEG/EAGE overthrust model2-D SEG/EAGE overthrust model 2-D Husky data set2-D Husky data set 3-D SEG/EAGE salt model3-D SEG/EAGE salt model 3-D West Texas data set3-D West Texas data set

40 KMMD03 X(kft)46 8 Depth (kft) 4 6 8 03 X(kft)

41 46 8 Depth (kft) KMMD4 6 8 X(kft)2 4 2 4

42 Outline MotivationMotivation MethodologyMethodology Numerical TestsNumerical Tests ConclusionsConclusions

43 Conclusions Works well on 2-D land and 3-D synthetic marine prestack data More work is needed to remedy the problems in MD for 3-D land prestack data Standard post-migration processing procedure ?

44 Acknowledgement Thank 1999 UTAM sponsors for their financial supportThank 1999 UTAM sponsors for their financial support

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