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Search Optimisation Clinic Ewan Swain Search Media Analyst.

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Presentation on theme: "Search Optimisation Clinic Ewan Swain Search Media Analyst."— Presentation transcript:

1 Search Optimisation Clinic Ewan Swain Search Media Analyst

2 Optimisation Clinic 1.Examination & Diagnosis 2.Treatment 3.Health Check 4.Recap

3 Search Examination & Diagnosis

4 Why visit the clinic? “We need more impressions” “We need to rank higher than the competition” “Reduce cost per acquisition” “Increase our return on investment” “Want more conversions” “We want to be number one” “We are getting too much interest from users who aren’t eligible for our product”

5 But I’m fit and healthy I don’t need treatment! A campaign that is performing well can always perform better Better Click Through Rate More Impressions Lower Cost Per Acquisition

6 Search Treatment

7 Increasing Impressions Increase volume of keywords Type of keywords (more generics) Increase average position above 8 by increasing bid or improve CTR Increase budget for budget smoothing

8 A Better Average Position Improve ads by using: –targeting –dynamic text –USPs –branding –calls to action Increase your bid Utilise incremental targeting Remember: The quickest way to move up the rankings is with a higher bid. The best way to stay there is to improve your CTR.

9 Increase CTR More relevant keywords will encourage users to click Highly targeted ads with strong offer and branding will lead to higher CTR Increase average position by increasing CPC Increase average position by using demographic targeting Ensure that campaign structure is good, specifics and generics should be separate

10 Increase Conversions Remove irrelevant keywords Expand on top converting keywords Improve landing pages, take user as close to the conversion as possible Target ad creative accurately and qualify the product/service Use targeting to find the audience that converts the best

11 By utilising adCenter's demographic targeting More Th>n reduced their CPA target by 76% “We have been pioneering their industry leading targeting tools and without their input we would not be delivering the superb results that we currently attain." Chris Jones, Search Manager for MORE TH>N

12 Health Check: Creatives Review the ad performance report Identify successful ads and reason for success Check for unique selling points, brand name, special offers and call to action

13 Health Check: Optimise Landing Pages Highly-relevant landing pages minimise user frustration and increase your CTR Generic or brand keywords should lead to your home page or category landing pages Deep link specific keywords to the appropriate pages in your site. The steps between user search and finding the product should be as short as possible Get the user to the product they want in the fewest clicks, preferably one!

14 Recap: What Treatments Can be Applied? Campaign restructure Utilise targeting Keyword expansion Keyword removal Utilise or improve negative keywords Improve landing pages relevancy Change match types Increase bid Improve creatives (target, qualify, brand, USPs)

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