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CS 177 Recitation Week 8 – Methods. Questions? Announcements  Project 3 milestone due next Thursday 10/22 9pm  Turn in with: turnin –c cs177=xxxx –p.

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Presentation on theme: "CS 177 Recitation Week 8 – Methods. Questions? Announcements  Project 3 milestone due next Thursday 10/22 9pm  Turn in with: turnin –c cs177=xxxx –p."— Presentation transcript:

1 CS 177 Recitation Week 8 – Methods

2 Questions?

3 Announcements  Project 3 milestone due next Thursday 10/22 9pm  Turn in with: turnin –c cs177=xxxx –p project3m  Make sure you turn in to project3m  Not project3, or project3M, etc.

4 Project 3 import statements  You must include these statements at the very top of your Project 3 file, before the class declaration:  import*; import java.util.*;  This lets the loadPuzzle() method compile correctly.  Import statements- what do they do?  They tell the compiler that you are using classes that are not in the same directory without you having to type in the full path to the class.

5 loadPuzzle()  The loadPuzzle() method is called with 2 arguments  Argument 1 is a 2d int array that represents your Sudoku puzzle  Argument 2 is the name of a file to load  Call like: String filename = …; int[][] puzzle = …; boolean loaded = loadPuzzle(puzzle,filename);

6 loadPuzzle() – Scanner class  The Scanner class used in the loadPuzzle() method is a class included with Java. It allows you to read input just like StdIn does  The Scanner class also allows you to read input directly from files, instead of only from the user while running the program. It also has a lot of methods to take the input in different ways and parse it.

7 Another note: Coding Standards  To receive full credit on your projects, you must follow the coding standards- linked on the course website  Please review these before turning in the next project  There are requirements for:  Variable naming – capitalization, meaningful names  Commenting – for all variable declarations, all methods  Formatting/Indentation – you can use Dr. Java to do this: highlight the code you want to indent correctly and press Tab. Dr. Java will indent consistently and correctly as long as your braces are correct.

8 Methods

9 Why do we use Methods?  Methods allow us to reuse code that is useful in many places, without having to type it in again  For example, you could write a method to print an array, since you do this a lot for your projects!  Methods can organize the code into separate responsibilities  Allows the programmer to think about one step at a time  Allows multiple programmers to work on the same program

10 Return Statements  Methods should always have a return statement, even if the return type is void  Methods can have more than one return statement if different values will be returned in different cases public static int max(int a, int b) { if(a<b) return b; else return a; }

11 Calling Methods  Calling a method in a different class , arg2, …)  For example: StdDraw.point(x, y)  Calling a method in the same class  name(arg1, arg2, …)  For example: loadPuzzle(puzzle, filename)

12 Void Methods  public static void name(arg1, …)  This indicates that the method does not return a value. It is more like a command to do something public static void help(int times) { for(int i = 1; i <= times; i++) System.out.println(“Help!”); return; }  help(100) is basically a command to print “Help!” 100 times

13 Passing Arguments  The method gets copies of the arguments you pass – it cannot change the values of primitive data types like int and char public static int square(int x) { x = x * x; return x; }  Calling square(x) returns the square of x, but does not change its value.  When passing arrays, the method can change the values in the array because it is not a primitive data type.

14 Example 1  Let’s write a function that computes the area of a rectangle.  Inputs are an int for width and an int for height  The return value is an int that is the area of the rectangle public static int calculateArea(int width, int height) { int area; area = width * height; return area; }

15 Example 1  How do we call our calculateArea() method?  Let’s calculate the area of a 5 by 6 rectangle. int x = 5; int y = 6; int area = calculateArea(x, y);  area then has the value 30.

16 Example 2  Let’s write a method that prints a menu and gets a choice  There are no inputs  The return value is an int for the user’s menu selection public static int getChoice() { System.out.println(“1 – Menu choice 1”); System.out.println(“2 – Menu choice 2”); System.out.println(“3 – Exit”); System.out.println(“Which one do you want?”); int choice = StdIn.readInt(); return choice; }

17 Example 3  Let’s write a method that draws a blue circle of radius 0.25 at a specified point.  Inputs are 2 doubles to indicate position  There is no need to return a value public static void drawBlueCircle(double x, double y) { StdDraw.setPenColor(StdDraw.BLUE); StdDraw.filledCircle(x, y, 0.25); return; }

18 Conway’s Game of Life public static void conway (int[][] cell, int m, int n) { int live = 0; for (int i=m-1; i<=m+1; i++) { for (int j=n-1; j<=n+1; j++) { if (cell[i,j]==1) live++; }

19 Conway’s Game of Life cont. if (cell[m,n]==1) { live--; if (live 3) cell[m,n] = 0; } else { if (live == 3) cell [m,n] = 1; } return; }

20 conway() method  As mentioned before, changes that this method makes to cell[m,n] DO affect the actual array that was sent to conway()  However, conway() won’t work if cell[m,n] is an edge so it doesn’t have 8 neighbors  How do we fix this?  Conditionals?  We could fix it by adding extra if statements to check whether cell[m,n] is an edge so that we don’t get out of bounds errors

21 A better way to fix conway()  Instead of using if statements in the conway() method, there is a way to fix this without changing the conway() method at all  If we want 100 rows and 100 columns, instead make cell a 102 by 102 array: int[][] cell = new int[102][102];  We’ll set all the entries in rows 0 and 101 as well as columns 0 and 101, the edges, to 0.  Then, cells in rows 1-100 and columns 1-100 are valid cells, and none of them are on the edge of the array!  This is one of the fun parts of what software developers do – it’s like a puzzle to figure out the best way to solve something while keeping the programming as simple as possible. The solution works perfectly but is very easy to do.

22 Questions?

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