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SBC Passau 2004 GOLD Leadership Training Workshop Helmut Hauschild 09/05/2004.

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Presentation on theme: "SBC Passau 2004 GOLD Leadership Training Workshop Helmut Hauschild 09/05/2004."— Presentation transcript:

1 SBC Passau 2004 GOLD Leadership Training Workshop Helmut Hauschild 09/05/2004

2 Leadership Styles AutocraticBeaurocratic Democratic Laissez Faire Which is the best?

3 Case Study (Source: Prelinger Archives,

4 Study Questions I l Do you think, Jim Baxter is an effective leader? l Why or why not?

5 Study Questions II l Can you identify a predominating leadership style? l If so: Which one? Is it appropriate?

6 Study Questions III l What could he do to improve the situation? l Would your solution work in a volunteer driven organization in the 21st century, too?

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