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Java Exceptions, Cloning, Serialization Nelson Padua-Perez Chau-Wen Tseng Department of Computer Science University of Maryland, College Park.

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Presentation on theme: "Java Exceptions, Cloning, Serialization Nelson Padua-Perez Chau-Wen Tseng Department of Computer Science University of Maryland, College Park."— Presentation transcript:

1 Java Exceptions, Cloning, Serialization Nelson Padua-Perez Chau-Wen Tseng Department of Computer Science University of Maryland, College Park

2 Overview Review Errors Exceptions Java support Representing exceptions Generating & handling exceptions Designing & using exceptions

3 Types of Program Errors 1. Syntax (compiler) errors Errors in code construction (grammar, types) Detected during compilation 2. Run-time errors Operations illegal / impossible to execute Detected during program execution Treated as exceptions in Java 3. Logic errors Operations leading to incorrect program state May (or may not) lead to run-time errors Detect by debugging code

4 Exception Handling Performing action in response to exception Example actions Ignore exception Print error message Request new data Retry action Approaches 1. Exit program 2. Exit method returning error code 3. Throw exception

5 Problem May not be able to handle error locally Not enough information in method / class Need more information to decide action Handle exception in calling function(s) instead Decide at application level (instead of library) Examples Incorrect data format  ask user to reenter data Unable to open file  ask user for new filename Insufficient disk space  ask user to delete files Will need to propagate exception to caller(s)

6 Exception Handling – Exit Program Approach Exit program with error message / error code Example if (error) { System.err.println(“Error found”);// message System.exit(1);// error code } Problem Drastic solution Event must be handled by user invoking program Program may be able to deal with some exceptions

7 Exception Handling – Error Code Approach Exit function with return value  error code Example A( ) { if (error) return (-1); } B( ) { if ((retval = A( )) == -1) return (-1); } Problems Calling function must check & process error code May forget to handle error code May need to return error code to caller Agreement needed on meaning of error code Error handling code mixed with normal code

8 Exception Handling – Throw Exception Approach Throw exception (caught in parent’s catch block) Example A( ) { if (error) throw new ExceptionType(); } B( ) { try { A( ); } catch (ExceptionType e) {...action... } } Java exception backtracks to caller(s) until matching catch block found

9 Exception Handling – Throw Exception Advantages Compiler ensures exceptions are caught eventually No need to explicitly propagate exception to caller Backtrack to caller(s) automatically Class hierarchy defines meaning of exceptions No need for separate definition of error codes Exception handling code separate & clearly marked

10 Representing Exceptions Exceptions represented as Objects derived from class Throwable Code public class Throwable( ) extends Object { Throwable( )// No error message Throwable( String mesg )// Error message String getMessage()// Return error mesg void printStackTrace( ) { … }// Record methods …// called & location }

11 Representing Exceptions Java Exception class hierarchy Two types of exceptions  checked & unchecked

12 Object Error Throwable Exception LinkageError VirtualMachoneError ClassNotFoundException CloneNotSupportedException IOException AWTError … AWTException RuntimeException … ArithmeticException NullPointerException IndexOutOfBoundsException Unchecked Checked NoSuchElementException … Representing Exceptions Java Exception class hierarchy

13 Unchecked Exceptions Class Error & RunTimeException Serious errors not handled by typical program Usually indicate logic errors Example NullPointerException, IndexOutOfBoundsException Catching unchecked exceptions is optional Handled by Java Virtual Machine if not caught

14 Checked Exceptions Class Exception (except RunTimeException) Errors typical program should handle Used for operations prone to error Example IOException, ClassNotFoundException Compiler requires “catch or declare” Catch and handle exception in method, OR Declare method can throw exception, force calling function to catch or declare exception in turn Example void A( ) throws ExceptionType { … }

15 Generating & Handling Exceptions Java primitives Try Throw Catch Finally Procedure for using exceptions 1. Enclose code generating exceptions in try block 2. Use throw to actually generate exception 3. Use catch to specify exception handlers 4. Use finally to specify actions after exception

16 Java Syntax try {// try block encloses throws throw new eType1(); // throw jumps to catch } catch (eType1 e) { // catch block 1...action... // run if type match } catch (eType2 e) { // catch block 2...action... // run if type match } finally { // final block...action... // always executes }

17 Java Primitive – Try Forms try block Encloses all statements that may throw exception Scope of try block is dynamic Includes code executed by methods invoked in try block (and their descendents)

18 Java Primitive – Try Example try {// try block encloses all exceptions in A & B A( ); // exceptions may be caught internally in A & B B( ); // or propagated back to caller’s try block } void A( ) throws Exception { // declares exception B( ); } void B( ) throws Exception { // declares exception throw new Exception( ); // propagate to caller }

19 Java Primitive – Throw Indicates exception occurred Normally specifies one operand Object of class Exception When an exception is thrown 1. Control exits the try block 2. Proceeds to closest matching exception handler after the try block 3. Execute code in exception handler 4. Execute code in final block (if present)

20 Java Primitive – Catch Placed after try block Specifies code to be executed for exception Code in catch block  exception handler Catch block specifies matching exception type Can use multiple catch blocks for single try To process different types of exceptions First matching catch block executed Superclass may subsume catch for subclass If catch block for superclass occurs first

21 Java Primitive – Catch Example class eType1 extends Exception { … } try { … throw new eType1( ) … } catch (Exception e) { // Catch block 1...action... // matches all exceptions } catch (eType1 e) { // Catch block 2...action... // matches eType1 } // subsumed by block 1 // will never be executed

22 Java Primitive – Catch Can rethrow exception Exception propagated to caller(s) Example catch (ExceptionType e) { …// local action for exception throw e; // rethrow exception }// propagate exception to caller

23 Java Primitive – Finally Placed after try & all catch blocks Forms finally block Cleanup code Executed by all exception handlers Try restore program state to be consistent, legal Always executed Regardless of which catch block executed Even if no catch block executed Executed before transferring control to caller If exception is not caught locally

24 Designing & Using Exceptions Use exceptions only for rare events Not for common cases  checking end of loop High overhead to perform catch Place statements that jointly accomplish task into single try / catch block Use existing Java Exceptions if possible

25 Designing & Using Exceptions Avoid simply catching & ignoring exceptions Poor software development style Example try { throw new ExceptionType1( ); throw new ExceptionType2( ); throw new ExceptionType3( ); } catch (Exception e) { // catches all exceptions … // ignores exception & returns }

26 Exceptions Summary Java primitives Try Forms try block Encloses all statements that may throw exception Throw Actually throw exception Catch Catches exception matching type Code in catch block  exception handler Finally Forms finally block Always executed, follows try block & catch code

27 Exceptions Summary Programs often contain errors Exceptions  advanced Java language feature Java provides detailed support for exceptions Learn to use exceptions carefully

28 Java – Cloning Cloning Creating an identical copy Cloneable interface Supports clone( ) method Returns copy of object Copies all of its fields Does not clone its fields Makes a shallow copy

29 Java – Cloning Effect of clone( ) Creates new object X.clone( ) != X Same class X.clone.getClass( ) == X.getClass( ) Modification to X no longer affect X.clone( )

30 Java Clone Comparison Example (X.f = Z) X X.f = Z X Z XX Z

31 Java Clone Comparison Example (X.f = Z) Y = X XY Y = X.clone( ) X Y ZZ X, YXY

32 Java Clone Comparison Example (X.f = Z) Y = X; X.f = A XY Y = X.clone( ); X.f = A X Y AZA XYX, Y

33 Java – Serializability Serializability Ability to convert a graph of Java objects into a stream of data, then convert it back (deserialize) interface Marks class as Serializable Supported by Java core libraries Special handling (if needed) using private void writeObject( out) throws IOException private void readObject( in) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException ; Makes a deep copy

34 Serializability – Uses Persistance Using FileOutputStream Store data structure to file for later retrieval Copy Using ByteArrayOutputStream Store data structure to byte array (in memory) and use it to create duplicates Communication Using stream from a Socket Send data structure to another computer

35 Serializability – Deep Copy // serialize object ByteArrayOutputStream mOut = new ByteArrayOutputStream( ); ObjectOutputStream serializer = new ObjectOutputStream(mOut); serializer.writeObject(serializableObject); serializer.flush( ); // deserialize object ByteArrayInputStream mIn = new ByteArrayInputStream(mOut. toByteArray( )); ObjectInputStream deserializer = new ObjectInputStream(mIn); Object deepCopyOfOriginalObject = deserializer.readObject( );

36 Java Serializable Comparison Example (X.field = Z) Y = X XY Y = X.clone( ) X Y ZZ X, Y X Y OS.writeObject(x) Y = readObject(IS) X Y Z X Y Z’

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