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Chapter 8 – Groups Part 1: Oct. 20, 2010. Groups and Social Processes Groups are 2 or more people who interact and perceive themselves as a unit/”us”

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1 Chapter 8 – Groups Part 1: Oct. 20, 2010

2 Groups and Social Processes Groups are 2 or more people who interact and perceive themselves as a unit/”us” More than just being physically together

3 Functions of Groups Why join a group? –Need for social interaction –Roles within groups – –Group cohesiveness -

4 Presence of Others Does presence of others (co-actors) even influence us? Early research – what were the results? What is social facilitation? –Zajonc’s research:

5 –1) Physio arousal from others –2) Dominant response –3) Type of task influences performance –Evaluation apprehension – how does it work?

6 Social Loafing Group members don’t pull their weight and help the group. –Rowing experiments – what were the results? –What is the role of accountability?

7 What is the best solution? How does evaluation apprehension lead to different results?

8 Gender, Culture, and Social Loafing Who slacks off the most? ’93 review of 150 studies of social loafing –What were the results based on gender? –Results based on culture?

9 Deindividuation Relax normal constraints on behavior when in a crowd What causes this? – 1) –2) Diener’s Halloween research – results?

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