Leech Lake Emissions Inventory Brandy Toft Air Quality Specialist Leech Lake Band of Ojibwe.

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Presentation on theme: "Leech Lake Emissions Inventory Brandy Toft Air Quality Specialist Leech Lake Band of Ojibwe."— Presentation transcript:

1 Leech Lake Emissions Inventory Brandy Toft Air Quality Specialist Leech Lake Band of Ojibwe

2 Getting the Feet Wet in EI Grant work plan in 2001 Started on EI in Spring 2002 Gathering data, exploring categories Windshield surveys Internet searches (EPA, State sites) Did a GIS map for a visual aid Realized it was a HUGE task and one that needed more time and staff

3 The Help of TEISS Introduced to TEISS in Fall 2002 Training in Spring 2004 at FDL Rez Great Tool !!! Simplifies EI Helps investigate emission sources and data needed for EI (calculators) Create maps, graphs, tables, reports

4 First Round DONE!!! Submitted 2002 EI to ITEP for QA/QC Make changes if needed Will have ITEP submit Leech Lake’s EI to the NEI ~~~~~~~~~~IT’S NOT DONE~~~~~~~~~ Keep eyes open Prepare for EI update

5 Leech Lake Emission Sources Point Sources Title V’s within 100 miles Paper mills, Pulpwood, OSB facilities (7) EGUs (3) Waste Incinerators (1-2) Natural Gas Compressor Station (1) Food Processing plants (1) Large Aggregate facilities (2-3) Large Boilers at Schools, Hospitals (4-5) Taconite Mine and Processing facility (1)

6 More Emission Sources Area sources Gas Stations Backyard burning Prescribed burning Residential fuel heating Mobile On-road/Non-road Assistance from LADCO

7 Plume over Necktie

8 Title V Potlatch OSB Plant

9 Title V Potlatch Lumbermill

10 Smaller Facilities Cass Lake Forest Products

11 Gas Stations 225+ = 5,980,600 gallons

12 Backyard Burning 2,462 tons per year

13 Prescribed Burning 3780 acres

14 Residential Fuel Heating 92,000 gallons per year

15 Mobile Sources 3 major roadways and tourism

16 Mobile Sources Nonroad - tourism

17 Paved/Unpaved Roads Choose not to do

18 Other Non Area Sources Not Doing Auto Body Waste Treatment Landfills Gravel/Crush Rock Portable Asphalt Plants

19 PM 2.5 Density Plot

20 PM 10 Density Plot

21 VOC Density Plot

22 The End It is a complex project Allow enough TIME You set the scale/area for the EI Grab data as it is presented to you, you will never know when it may prove to be useful TEISS makes it a more attainable task Tribes can accomplish their own EI Encourage all to do an EI for your Rez

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