The Achiever The Achiever National Delta Tau Alpha Newsletter April/May 2007 1 st Place- Fort Hays State University Honorable Mention- Southeast Missouri.

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Presentation on theme: "The Achiever The Achiever National Delta Tau Alpha Newsletter April/May 2007 1 st Place- Fort Hays State University Honorable Mention- Southeast Missouri."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Achiever The Achiever National Delta Tau Alpha Newsletter April/May 2007 1 st Place- Fort Hays State University Honorable Mention- Southeast Missouri State University/Missouri State University 1 st Place- University of Central Missouri 2 nd Place- Eastern Kentucky University

2 Words from the Pres. When I first joined DTA at Southeast Missouri State University, I was unsure what DTA was and if it would be worth my time. As convention neared, I was told how much fun it is and how I would get to meet so many people that would become lifelong friends. I did not take that very seriously because how close can you get to someone in three days? Over the past two conventions and a second term on National Council, I can see how right my chapter really was! I have gotten to meet so many amazing people and create friendships that I will take with me for a long time. I know have the pleasure to get my chapter excited about convention and try to explain to them what really can not be explained. How do you describe to someone Ag Olympics with wheel barrel races and egg tosses? Or Acres of Land Winery? Or the Quiz Bowl? Yes, you can explain what we do, but it is something completely different to experience. It has been some of my best experiences at the Annual Conventions. I had a blast at Texas A&M Commerce and at Eastern Kentucky University. I am also looking forward to next years convention at Fort Hayes. I hope all of you are as well. Thank you for the opportunity to serve as you National President for the 2007-2008 year and I plan to do my best for all of you. Please feel free to contact me with any questions of constructive criticisms you may have. Your President, James Schnepel

3 National Council From Left: Dr. Bruce Greene- Executive Treasurer, Tennessee Tech University, Brooke Harris- Eastern V.P., North Carolina State University, James Schnepel-President, Southeast Missouri State University, Laura Hoppe- Midwest V.P., University of Central Missouri, Jennifer Walters- Parliamentarian, Tennessee Tech University, Jessie Hartle-Secretary, Middle Tennessee State University, Jordan Kiker-Southern V.P., Sam Houston State University, Dr. Jean Gleichsner- Adivsor, Fort Hays State University

4 What’s Happinin’ Check out the website!!! @ To submit Form 40’s after every meeting to (ASAP) so that your chapter can be included in the newsletter.

5 Good Times with Good Friends at Convention

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