Performance Management Methods and Problems. When it goes wrong.  GE’s Superabraisives.

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Presentation on theme: "Performance Management Methods and Problems. When it goes wrong.  GE’s Superabraisives."— Presentation transcript:

1 Performance Management Methods and Problems

2 When it goes wrong.  GE’s Superabraisives

3 Applications to HR

4 Appraisal Process Identify Specific Performance Appraisal Goals Establish Job Expectations Examine Work Performed Appraise Performance Discuss Appraisal with Employee

5 Responsibility for Appraisal  Immediate supervisor  Subordinates  Peers  Self appraisal  Combination (e.g., 360 degree)

6 Appraisal Period  Daily?  Weekly?  Monthly?  Yearly?  Multiple years?  Probationary?  “Never?”

7 Methods of Appraisal  Rating Scales  Critical Incidents  Essay  Work Standards  Ranking  Forced Distribution  MBO  Behaviorally Anchored Rating Scales*

8 Problems in Performance Appraisal  Lack of objectivity  Halo error  Leniency  Strictness  Central Tendency  Recent Behavior Bias  Personal bias  “Opinion” vs. “Judgment”

9 Characteristics of an Effective Appraisal System  Job-related criteria  Performance expectations  Standardization  Qualified appraisers  Open communication  Employee access to results  Due process

10 End Questions?

11 Graphic Rating Scales 1-------2--------3--------4--------5--------6--------7 PoorExceptional |_______|_______|_______|_______| Needs Outstanding Improvement Improvement1------------2------------3------------4------------5 InadequateBelowAverageAbove Superior Average Average

12 Forced Distribution on a Bell- Shaped Curve

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