Energetic neutral atoms from solar flares H. S. Hudson SSL, UC Berkeley.

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Presentation on theme: "Energetic neutral atoms from solar flares H. S. Hudson SSL, UC Berkeley."— Presentation transcript:

1 Energetic neutral atoms from solar flares H. S. Hudson SSL, UC Berkeley

2 Berkeley April 9, 2009 Background Mewaldt et al. (2009)* have observed ENAs from a flare for the first time. REVIEW This was unexpected but has enormous significance for flare physics. EXPLAIN Flare ENAs may have a strong association with the observed  -rays. SPECULATE *ApJ 693, L11 (2009) - no citations yet!

3 Berkeley April 9, 2009 Mewaldt et al. Figures (I)

4 Berkeley April 9, 2009 Mewaldt et al. Figures (II) The HET counts resemble those expected from neutron decay The LET spectrum appears to steepen > 5 MeV

5 Berkeley April 9, 2009 Where do flare ENAs come from? Neutralization and re-ionization on open field lines: Mikic & Lee, 2006 Neutralization and re-ionization on closed field lines: Dennis & Schwartz, 1989 http://solarmuri.ssl.berkeley.edu/~hhudson/cartoons/

6 Berkeley April 9, 2009 Some necessary physics Charge exchange vs collisions Charge exchange cross-sections (H-like and He-like only) Fe?

7 Berkeley April 9, 2009 Neutralization and propagation Below about 1.6 R sun re-ionization is likely to occur. Above 1.6 R sun charge exchange is unlikely Mirroring energetic ions in closed-field regions (ie, the  -ray sources) can readily neutralize Escape from the deep corona may be possible by multiple neutralization/reionization events We are studying the latter option. Most of the lifetime of a particle is spent as an ion, and so this may erase most of the information about source structure

8 Berkeley April 9, 2009 Conclusions The Mewaldt et al. (2009) result is one of the most important for flare high-energy physics in this century, since it opens an entirely new channel Conditions need to be right for a successful observation, but it is likely that many more events could be detected Interpretation is wide open at present

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