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Title Center for Coastal and Ocean Mapping NOAA/UNH Joint Hydrographic Center Windows Python Tutorial Kurt Schwehr Jan 2007.

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Presentation on theme: "Title Center for Coastal and Ocean Mapping NOAA/UNH Joint Hydrographic Center Windows Python Tutorial Kurt Schwehr Jan 2007."— Presentation transcript:

1 Title Center for Coastal and Ocean Mapping NOAA/UNH Joint Hydrographic Center Windows Python Tutorial Kurt Schwehr Jan 2007

2 Day 2 More python Loops and tests Plotting And more…

3 Class website:

4 What does perl look like?

5 First some review of Day 1 We covered a lot of ground yesterday Please ask if you have any questions

6 Lists are created with [ ]

7 Use tab to find out what ‘methods’ are available

8 Getting help on functions

9 Asking a function or module for help

10 Start ipython

11 If tests and indentation matters

12 for loops

13 Matplot lib

14 1st plot

15 2nd plot

16 Discreet samples form a sine wave

17 Reading files – Step 1 First create a file to read Save it as data01.txt on the desktop

18 Get to the Desktop in IPython

19 Now read the file Finish the for loop by going by unindenting Each line is getting to new line characters Use a comma to prevent the double end line

20 Make a data file with some numbers Save as data02.txt

21 Read as text How do we skip lines that start with ‘#’? Use if and continue

22 Now we need to get these values to be numbers The variable line still has the last line read How can we get the float values of “3 2.2”

23 Now put it all together in a script Use SciTE to create the file SciTE does not know this is python until you save the file

24 Run the script

25 Make that a function so you can reuse it! Use SciTE to create ‘’

26 Those ‘-’ in the left column collapse code

27 Import ex04

28 Use ex04.read_y to get some data

29 Plot it!

30 Save the plot

31 Write some data to disk Use file to open a file, but tell it ‘w’ to open for writing write does not append a newline and only takes strings Close the file to make sure the data is written into the file

32 View the data in SciTE

33 Time is important for data logging

34 Adding documentation to modules and functions


36 The ex05 module now has a help

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