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Interactive Deformation and Visualization of Level-Set Surfaces Using Graphics Hardware Aaron Lefohn Joe Kniss Charles Hansen Ross Whitaker Aaron Lefohn.

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Presentation on theme: "Interactive Deformation and Visualization of Level-Set Surfaces Using Graphics Hardware Aaron Lefohn Joe Kniss Charles Hansen Ross Whitaker Aaron Lefohn."— Presentation transcript:

1 Interactive Deformation and Visualization of Level-Set Surfaces Using Graphics Hardware Aaron Lefohn Joe Kniss Charles Hansen Ross Whitaker Aaron Lefohn Joe Kniss Charles Hansen Ross Whitaker

2 Scientific Computing and Imaging Institute, University of Utah Problem Statement  Goal Interactive system for manipulating level-set, deformable surfaces  Level-Set Challenges Computationally expensive Difficult to control  Solution New streaming narrow-band algorithm Unified computation and visualization

3 Scientific Computing and Imaging Institute, University of Utah Overview  Motivation and Introduction  A Streaming Narrow-Band Solution 1. Virtual memory model 2. Substreams for static branch resolution 3. Efficient GPU-to-CPU message passing 4. Direct volume rendering of compressed/sparse data  Application and Demo  Conclusions

4 Scientific Computing and Imaging Institute, University of Utah Level-Set Method  Deformable, implicit surfaces Surface deformation via partial differential equation General, flexible model Introduction Surface Processing Tasdizen et al. IEEE Visualization 2002 Physical Simulation Premoze et al. Eurographics 2003 Segmentation

5 Scientific Computing and Imaging Institute, University of Utah Level-Set Method  Implicit surface  Distance transform  denotes inside/outside  Surface motion F = Signed speed in direction of normal Introduction

6 Scientific Computing and Imaging Institute, University of Utah Level-Set Acceleration Initialize Domain Compute Update Domain  Narrow-Band/Sparse-Grid Compute PDE only near the isosurface –Adalsteinson et al. 1995 –Whitaker et al. 1998 –Peng et al. 1999 Time-dependent, sparse-grid solver Introduction

7 Scientific Computing and Imaging Institute, University of Utah Level-Set Acceleration  Graphics Hardware (GPU) Implementations Strzodka et al. 2001 –2D level-set solver on NVIDIA GeForce 2 Lefohn et al. 2002 –3D level-set solver on ATI Radeon 8500 –1x – 2x faster than CPU, but 10x more computations –Unpublished work Introduction

8 Scientific Computing and Imaging Institute, University of Utah  GPUs Inexpensive, fast, data-parallel, streaming architecture Parallel “For-Each” call over data elements Combination of computation and visualization Scientific Computing on GPU Vertex & Texture Coordinates Vertex Processor Rasterizer Fragment Processor Texture Data Frame/Pixel Buffer(s) Introduction

9 Scientific Computing and Imaging Institute, University of Utah 2D computational domain Restricted, data-parallel programming model Slow GPU-to-CPU communication Limited (high-bandwidth) memory on GPU GPU Computational Capabilities Vertex & Texture Coordinates Vertex Processor Rasterizer Fragment Processor Texture Data Frame/Pixel Buffer(s) Introduction CPU

10 Scientific Computing and Imaging Institute, University of Utah Time-Dependent, Sparse Solver 1.2D computational domain Multi-dimensional virtual memory model 2.Restricted, data-parallel programming model Substream resolution of fragment-level conditionals 3.Slow GPU-to-CPU communication Efficient message passing algorithm 4.Limited, high-bandwidth memory on GPU Direct volume rendering of level-set solution on GPU A Streaming Narrow-Band Algorithm Algorithm

11 Scientific Computing and Imaging Institute, University of Utah  Virtual Memory 3D virtual memory -- Level-set computation 2D physical memory -- GPU optimizations 16 x 16 pixel memory pages -- Locality / Memory usage 1. Multi-Dimensional Virtual Memory Algorithm Virtual Memory Space Physical Memory Space Unused Pages Active Pages Inside Outside

12 Scientific Computing and Imaging Institute, University of Utah 1. Multi-Dimensional Virtual Memory  Cooperation between CPU and GPU CPU –Memory manager –Page table GPU –Performs level-set computation –Issues memory requests Algorithm CPU GPU Physical Addresses for Active Memory Pages Memory Requests PDE Computation 15-250 passes

13 Scientific Computing and Imaging Institute, University of Utah 2. Static Resolution of Conditionals  Problem Neighbor lookups across page boundaries Branching slow on GPU  Solution Substreams –Create homogeneous data streams –Resolve conditionals with geometry : Points, Lines, Quads –Optimizes cache and pre-fetch performance Algorithm

14 Scientific Computing and Imaging Institute, University of Utah 3. Efficient Message Passing Algorithm  Problem: Time-Dependent Narrow Band GPU memory request mechanism Low bandwidth GPU-to-CPU communication  Solution Compress GPU memory request Use GPU computation to save GPU-to-CPU bandwidth Algorithm s+x-x+y-y+z-z  Mipmapping

15 Scientific Computing and Imaging Institute, University of Utah 4. Direct Volume Rendering of Level Set  Render from 2D physical memory Reconstruct 2D slice of virtual memory space On-the-fly on GPU Use 2D geometry and texture coordinates Algorithm

16 Scientific Computing and Imaging Institute, University of Utah 4. Direct Volume Rendering of Level Set  Fully general volume rendering of compressed data Tri-linear interpolation 2D slice-based volume rendering Full transfer function and lighting capabilities No data duplication Algorithm

17 Scientific Computing and Imaging Institute, University of Utah  Extract feature from volume  Two speed functions, F D and F H Data-based speed, F D Mean-curvature speed, F H –Smooth noisy solutions –Prevent “leaks” Segmentation Application Application F D = 0 F D (I) I (Intensity)

18 Scientific Computing and Imaging Institute, University of Utah Demo  Segmentation of MRI volumes 128 3 scalar volume  Details ATI Radeon 9800 Pro ARB_fragment_program ARB_vertex_program 2.6 GHz Intel Xeon with 1 GB RAM Application

19 Scientific Computing and Imaging Institute, University of Utah Region-of-Interest Volume Rendering  Limit extent of volume rendering Use level-set segmentation to specify region Add level-set value to transfer function Application

20 Scientific Computing and Imaging Institute, University of Utah GPU Narrow-Band: Performance  Performance 10x – 15x faster than optimized CPU version Linear dependence on size of narrow band  Bottlenecks Fragment processor Conservative time step –Need for global accumulation register (min, max, sum, etc.) Results

21 Scientific Computing and Imaging Institute, University of Utah Summary  Interactive 3D Level-Set Computation/Visualization Integrated segmentation and volume rendering Intuitive parameter setting Quantified effectiveness, user study (MICCAI 2003)  Streaming Narrow-Band Solution 1. Virtual memory model 2. Substreams for static branch resolution 3. Efficient GPU-to-CPU message passing 4. Direct volume rendering of compressed/sparse data Conclusions

22 Scientific Computing and Imaging Institute, University of Utah Future Directions  Other level-set applications  User interface  Depth culling within active pages Sherbondy et al. talk at 3:15pm today “Fast Volume Segmentation With Simultaneous Visualization Using Programmable Graphics Hardware”  N-D GPU virtual memory system Separate memory layout from computation Conclusions

23 Scientific Computing and Imaging Institute, University of Utah Acknowledgements  Gordon Kindlmann –- “Teem” raster-data toolkit  Milan Ikits –- “Glew” OpenGL extension wrangler  SCI faculty, students, and staff  John Owens at UCDavis  Evan Hart, Mark Segal, Arcot Preetham, Jeff Royle, and Jason Mitchell at ATI Technologies, Inc.  Brigham and Women’s Hospital  CIVM at Duke University  Office of Naval Research grant #N000140110033  National Science Foundation grant #ACI008915 and #CCR0092065

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